Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday - The Pink Supermoon Edition

It's full moon time! I think that's why Shyla has howled so much lately. You must be getting tired of photos of her howling.

This month is a Pink Super Moon. It's "pink" because it's springtime, and not because the moon itself is pink. It's "super" because it's closer to Earth than usual, rendering it about 15% bigger from our viewpoint than usual.

The forecast looked very clear - which made it highly likely that I'd actually see the moon. However, it does make the view of it slightly less dramatic than when it's partly cloudy.

Full moon my time to get up very early to go see it set over the Continental Divide. I was not disappointed!
I said "wow" as soon as I reached the ridge where I could see it. It was further south than it has been in recently months so it wasn't over the highest nearby peaks. But, with a very long lens, I discovered that the terrain below it was craggy and beautiful.

In this very odd and upsetting time, I find myself filled with gratitude for the fact that nature is still following its monthly and yearly pattern. Its beauty makes me smile, no matter what.

Happy Thankful Thursday!


  1. we totally missed the event...but so great to see it via your blog!

  2. Still Thursday here, although almost 9 p.m. What a great shot, would that be the one in a thousand, to get there at the right time, no could, and a clear brilliant pink moon. Too much cloud down here to see it clearly. All well at our home, busy with trying to attempt the online grocery shopping, even to get a slot for 7 days in advance to have what is a " Click and collect " is a major undertaking. However, as I told our grand-daughter, tonight at 5 p.m. I struck the jackpot, not a lottery, but a pick up next Thursday. What joy we now have in what was once considered an everyday occurrence, common old grocery shopping. Enjoy the snow lingering on, maybe you will have it for some time yet.Our nights and mornings are colder, down to 2 C in some places further south.xxx

  3. The super moon photo is magnificent, and the snow below is pink even if the moon is not.
    And we could never tire of pictures of Shyla howling.

  4. Breathtaking and no, we never get tired of seeing any photos of you, Shyla -whatever you are doing.

  5. the world is certainly pink under that moon, creating a wow moment that you captured at just the right moment. the moon was so bright at midnight 3 nights ago, I thought we left the flood lights on in the back yard

  6. What a gorgeous picture of the moon. Now, even more so than usual, I'm so grateful to live in nature.

  7. We need to see a video of Shyla howling. That moon picture is just gorgeous and with the sunrise making the mountain look pink it's perfect for the "Pink" moon.

  8. I didn't even realize it was a full moon right now. Thanks for yet another beautiful picture.

  9. How wonderful and beautiful, both the moon and sweet Shyla! We never get tired of seeing beautiful Shyla. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Outstanding!!! Thanx For All The Effort

    P.S. BLK Dog Would Love An Uncle T Biscuit Right About Now

  11. We never get tired of photos of Shyla howling! Beautiful photo of the moon. I didn't get outside soon enough to see it rise, so it looked pretty normal size by the time I did. But it did seem extra bright!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Wonderful photograph of the amazing moon.

  13. So agree about the reassurance of nature rolling on its normal course in these unsettling times. Thanks for introducing us to the Pink Moon - didn't know that term. It sure pinkened everything below (unless your photo also captured very early light from the "rosy-fingered dawn").

    Chris from Boise

  14. Absolutely, nature continues as it always has and will, and perhaps even to the better without our intervention. While I never tire of seeing photos of Shyla, howling or not, the moon shot is phenomenal!

    Take care and stay well!

  15. Shyla never disappoints! NEVER EVER! xoxo

  16. Shyla and KB that moon is something to howl about
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. All we have is clouds and rain. What moon. Beautiful shots.

    Have a fabulous day and a healthy Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  18. It was cludy here for the pink moon...but WOW, am I happy to see your wonderful(and almost Mars-like) picture...so very beautiful!!!!

  19. Happy Thankful Thursday!!! We all will never get tired of seeing Shyla howling at the moon. That is such an incredible shot of the moon. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic day.
    World of Animals

  20. The super moon is beautiful. We had clear skies here, so it was bright as day out during the night.

  21. This month's moon cycle has been awe inspiring and provide us with hope. As always, your photos are breathtaking.


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