Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Shyla Saturday in a Winter Wonderland

Shyla and I had the gift of another absolutely glorious bluebird day together this week.

Shyla was as happy as a puppy! The temperature was in the teens and new snow was on the ground. Those are her favorite conditions.

The day started out as clear as a bell which highlighted the crystalline pine needles and aspen branches.

As our ride went on, some clouds moved in which made the sky even prettier. We were having such a relaxed time together. Shyla and I stopped to gaze at the peacefully quiet world a few times.

After we climbed up higher, Shyla was still happily prancing through the frost and snow covered meadows. Her easy gallop makes me smile.

By the end of our ride, heavy clouds had descended over the Continental Divide but it was still sunny over our meadows. It was time to head home, relaxed and tired.
Shyla was the best partner for exploring this beautiful world that I could imagine.


  1. Hari OM
    It is like another world... YAM xx

  2. those tress are just stunning and I have never seen this with my own eyes.. agree with Yam, another world for us.

  3. The landscape is so beautiful! Here, we are fully into spring mode and the cherry trees are blooming!

  4. A winter wonderland for sure. We are just grey and dismal here in Aberdeen today.

  5. Shyla you and your sweet Mom know how to make the most of each bluebird day...
    my 'paws' got frosty just reading about the temps.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We love seeing your beautiful world and mostly love seeing beautiful Shyla so happy as she gallops through it.

  7. Your snowy world is just beautiful!

  8. Doesn't matter the change in the weather....just gorgeous.

  9. Incredible photos! I'd rather see the flowers than the snow, but apparently Shyla likes both.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. That sounds like such a wonderful outing for you and Shyla....so beautiful!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Lovely photographs. It's strange to see the winter snow there when spring is bursting forth here. I sat out on the deck soaking up the sun today. Not even a sweater. So glad Shyla had the perfect day.

  12. That is one magical world!!! We would love to frame that first photo and hang it prominently in our home.


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