Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 3, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - Big Cat and Little Cat

Thick fog rolled in again the other day, making me wonder what was lurking out behind the curtains.
I love that we have predators who live in our area and who might be out behind the thick fog. I smile every time I see evidence that they are flourishing despite the ever bigger sprawl of humans. More and more land has new homes on it - and usually it's not just a house but also multiple other buildings. Our shy predators won't go near the "compounds" even if the land used to be on their usual travel routes.

Yet, so far, they've adapted, and they still manage to live and hunt outside of human view. If growth keeps going, there will be a tipping point but we haven't reached it yet.

This male mountain lion came through our neck of the woods recently. He stayed just on the edge of civilization, in a thin slice of wild land. He left a scrape under a pine tree.

Soon thereafter, a bobcat came through the same marking area. Like I've seen in the past, this bobcat crept along with his belly low to the ground, sniffing the scent left by the bigger cat.

After he sniffed one scrape, he moved onto the bigger one. If you look at the photo above, you can see a mound of pine needles ahead of the bobcat. Those pine needles were kicked into a pile by multiple lions who marked this spot. The bobcat then went onto sniff the bigger scrape.

After sniffing, he hurried away, still using a crouched and low posture.
I love bobcats - they're so bold and feisty. It was such a treat to get video of this one.

I have a short video of the mountain lion and then the bobcat. Please check it out if you have time.


  1. they are wonderful animals... the little has the same tail like da Nelly LOL

  2. Hari Om
    Thank you once more for our breath of fresh mountain air and wildlife views!!! YAM xx

  3. I could watch these videos of the mountain lion all day. Such a wonderful animal.
    Cheers! Gail.

  4. watching the scraping at the beginning of the video made me think of our TP shortage and we might have to take a few lessons from your big cats. the color bob cat photos are amazing and the cat looks like an oversized housecat.. as always love photos and vids

  5. We love seeing the big cats in your forest. That bobcat is so cute. We love seeing his little tail twitching while he is sniffing.

  6. I do love the cats, they are just so beautiful. It's sad that we humans are taking away from their hunting grounds.

  7. Some loud-mouth birdie was sure not happy with the bobcat being in his territory.

  8. KB I loved your description 'bold and feisty'!! Purrfect!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Bobcats are so cool. Love their huge hind feet. They remind me of snowshoes.

  10. A twitching tail, the bird sounding a warning signal, this is wonderful to see, and brightens our days as we isolate wherever we live. Total lockdown here, only travel for essential services, and I feel although it is hard, really hard for many of us, it is the safest way. I hope in your beautiful place in the world, it all stays virus free and the animals always have their own ample areas to live safely too.

  11. During these times when they are starting to close our local park trails, I so appreciate seeing your wildlife and nature!!

  12. Wonderful that the big cats can adapt to smaller and smaller territories.

  13. You live in such a wonderful place. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  14. Bobcats are so good looking. Funny how that one stays so low.

  15. I thought the bobcat appeared frightened - do mountain lions actually attack them?

  16. Those kitties are always so amazing to see!

  17. Was that a magpie or a crow warning about the bobcat?

  18. We hope your neighborhood stays the safe haven for animals it is now

  19. love seeing your wildlife
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. The bobcat is very serious in his/her sniffing.


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