Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thankful Thursday

My time outdoors is keeping me sane, as I can watch for teeny signs of spring each day. The mountains still look wintry!

However, our birds are acting like it's spring! Big flocks of Crossbills have been foraging in our neck of the woods. This is a male, and he's so colorful! Look closely at his beak to understand the origin of his name.

The mountain bluebirds are making me smile every single day! I love taking photos of them.

After each spring snow storm, the snow melts from the pine trees near us while the mountains remain snowy. This view is one of my favorites in the world.

Of course, I am also thankful for our pups. Their antics keep me smiling especially when it's pelting down spring snow! They love it.
Now is the time to focus on what can make us smile. Smiles and gratitude will help us get through this crisis with our good attitudes intact.


  1. that last photo did make me smile, so focused... Hachi I mean. love the little sweet birds..

  2. I'm seeing "new" birds now, and hoping for a return of the bluebirds I saw a few weeks ago. Your bluebirds are stunning!

  3. Those sweet birds are looking for Spring too. Hey, it looks like Hachi found his spring. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Those are all such beautiful pictures but I'm especially drawn to the bird pictures.

  5. Beautiful shots and your action shots of the pups are wonderful. So fun.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Another Brilliant Post - Shyla's Ears In The Distance Cracks Me Up - Beautiful Bird Photos - I Personally Appreciate The Moon Shot


  7. lots of beauty. thankful for the little birds that have returned, for the snow and cold temps are not letting me know it is spring, but they are.

  8. You are so right! Luke, our birds, and getting outdoors are what keep me sane. The weather could use some improvement, but I know we'll get there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. We are thankful too for the beautiful photos of the natural world that we always so enjoy on this blog.

  10. My yard is full of juncos and they're clearing the feeder out quickly. Poor squirrel seems to get only the leftovers. Although I live in a city, it's nice to see the wildlife. I love your bluebirds!

  11. Gorgeous photos! The Crossbill is one beautiful little bird.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous photos and words to live by
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Thank-you for your beautiful photos (I love that bluebird). Sending many smiles your way :) xx

  14. We totally agree, and are finding things to make us smile!!

  15. Those birds are cute and beautiful!

  16. I am so thankful that NZ is in lockdown, hard as it may be for so many. We are on the way to winter, cold mornings, not a frost yet here, but further south they had snow flurries last week. Love your views, you can all stay there and be safe.XXXX

  17. Lovely photographs. We had Red Crossbills nest in our woods for two years in a row several years ago. They raised fledglings and it was the lowest elevation listed for breeding crossbills in NC. Unfortunately they did not return after the two consecutive years. I am finding that music and books are helping get me through these times. So glad you have the pups.

  18. Definitely much-needed smile material. Love the birds!!

  19. Happy thankful Thursday!! Such lovely photos that you shared with us. The birds are so beautiful. Enjoy your lovely day of running and playing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  20. Can I gets an AMEN! hehehe SO loves your hood! And I loves that we can visit each and everyday through your photos! (though, I wish I could do some snow zoomies with you Hachi!) You keep posting those moments of Zen, and we will be okays!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Awesome pictures. You must be tempted to cut the router, phone and cable for four months then come done the mountain to see what happened and who is still standing.

  22. I am joining you from Brian's Thankful Thursday today. It is so encouraging to see the crossbill and mountain bluebird in your photos. They would normally be here in Montana by now, but no such luck. Patience, patience. Stay well, and continue to enjoy your signs of spring!


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