Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Thank goodness for springtime knocking on the door at this place we call home. We know that it will snow again which makes these days all the sweeter.

As our last snow storm's deposit melted, it formed small streams in a meadow. The streams feed a pond that many baby animals - coyotes, birds, marmots, foxes - rely upon at this time of year.

On the edge of a meadow, my favorite bluebird couple continues to prepare for spring. The male is looking straight at the cavity that they hope to use for their nest. I hope that they can hang onto it but the tree swallows may outbid them.

And, if you look over the meadows toward the mountains, a ski area is visible. It's been closed since the pandemic began but that didn't stop the moon from setting over it a day after the last full moon.

Shyla regularly howls in gratitude for a life that she loves. She is a funny dog. I have to beg her *not* to howl whenever I point my camera toward her these days.
I am thankful that Mother Nature is marching forward with the change in seasons. It makes me appreciate this beautiful planet of ours even more.


  1. I am grateful for the sights of spring you give us.

  2. OMD, those are some beautiful shots! There is so much to be grateful for in your beautiful hood! Shyla, I thought I heard you this morning...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  3. You are too funny, Shyla☺ The bluebird couple is just gorgeous.

  4. You live in a most beautiful place. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. I agree with Sandee, you live in the most beautiful area. The scenery is simply stunning and even though you get WAAAAYYY to much snow for me, I enjoy seeing all the photos.

  6. Those birds are wonderful and so pretty. Shyla, we love seeing you belt out your happiness! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Such beautiful pictures of spring in your area. You have to get a video of Shyla howling someday.

  8. Loved the photographs, especially the joyously howling Shyla. Spring here moves forward and then slaps us with another frost or severe storm. Mother Nature needs to move consistently forward. And soon she will.

  9. Oh Shyla sing sweet girl sing!! Gorgeous photos
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Lovely scenes and lots happening in your meadow. I saw my first robin today which made me smile. There is still a lot of snow at my altitude. You and your family stay well.

  11. Wonderful to be able to see the seasons change so dramatically. We just get temperature changes.

  12. I keep forgetting I want to post my gratitude on Thursdays. So for now let me say I'm grateful for your wonderful posts about nature, its animals, birds, and habitats. And of course Shyla, Hachi, and wonder dog R.

  13. I love how you can take such outstanding pictures of such delicate creatures.

  14. I guess real estate is the same for birds as for humans - multiple offers on the good properties!

  15. Shyla is so sweet. Rather jealous of your amazing vistas.

  16. Shyla likes to show off for the camera! :)


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