Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - A Bluebird Day

This Mountain Bluebird pair is tightly bonded. I watch them daily.

Despite a snowy spring, these Pasqueflowers are reaching for the bluebird sky.

Shyla reached for the sky too, ears flapping in the wind.


  1. The Pasqueflowers are beautiful - such delicate, downy stems. I don't think we see them in Scotland.
    Bertie loves the feel of his ears flapping in the wind!

  2. that's beautiful... we would love to have some more blue birds and flowers here ;O)

  3. perfect and needs no words, each photo tells a story all alone

  4. Hari OM
    ......aaarrrrrooooooooooo!!!!! YAM xx

  5. The Pasqueflowers are sooooooooo beautiful! Have a wonderful Wednesday, Shyla!

  6. Such wonderful pictures of spring in you neck of the woods.

  7. The beauty of spring. Well done.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Shyla your mountains are alive with bluebird tweets and your melodious howl, which I'm sure is echoing for all to hear
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. What a beautiful day and landscape. Seeing Shyla shouting to the rooftops is the cherry on top. 🍒

  10. Just a hint of spring, love the flower focus, and Shyla, always smiling there.

  11. So much beauty in one post. Thanks so much for the smile!

  12. A gorgeous pair of Bluebirds. Hope they successfully raise some little ones.

  13. Your photos never cease to WOW us. These are three beauties!!!

  14. Happy Wordless Wednesday!! We love all the beautiful photos that you shared. The bluebirds are just adorable together. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  15. Pretty birdies and pretty ears sweet Shyla!

  16. Springtime in the Rockies. Lovely birds, flowers, and of course sweet Shyla. Enjoy these days.

  17. Those must be tough flowers to be out. We are just starting to see buds here. Love the bluebird pair.

  18. Your bluebirds are different than the ones around here. I've seen a pair in our yard, and also a pair of cardinals. Yay that flowers are bursting through.


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