Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

We made it to springtime! It's a huge gift that our Black Dog is here with us after all he went through over the winter.

Yesterday evening, yellow flowers started singing in the meadow. Our Black Dog and I lingered behind the others to enjoy the warmth and beauty.
Some of R's and my favorite times last summer were relaxing in the flowers. I know that R can't see them anymore but I'm sure that he can smell them. I've been waiting for this day. It's a celebration of our Black Dog's indomitable spirit. Seize the day!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    HoorraaaahhhhhhRRRRRRRRR!!! YAM xx

  2. You look so happy, R. Life is good♥

  3. R my sweet friend...the yellow flowers are lovely BUT truth be told your handsome shiny black beauty are the exact thing they needed to pop forth. You might no see they but I know your K9 nose recognizes that your are out sitting in your field of posies.
    Hugs to you and your peeps and siblings

  4. WoW - What Expressive Eyebrows - And You Just Know That BLK Dog Was So Content During This Photo Shoot - Thanx For Sharing Pure Joy With All Of Us

    P.S. BLK Dog, Bark For An Uncle T Treat

  5. Nice! Beautiful photos of your handsome R.

  6. Ah, KB, that black dog looks so fine. I'm glad right along with you. Seize this day!

    Chris from Boise

  7. Those are wonderful photos of that sweetie R!

  8. It's a hot down down the 'hill so safe to say Summer has arrived. Enjoy the wilderness beauty and peacefulness.

  9. Darling R, smell those golden flowers, let the sun shine on you and take every day that springtime offers xxx

  10. Such sweet photos, sitting among the golden flowers :)

  11. So happy that you get to share another springtime with your precious R.

  12. He sure looks happy laying in those flowers.


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