Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Every morning, Shyla and I get ready to head out on the trails together. She brings me toys to play as I prepare. Years ago, Shyla couldn't play because she was too afraid. Now, she begs me to play!

Then, we roll out the door onto trails that look like this. Heaven.

We go look at the meadows where those brilliant yellow flowers will bloom soon, and they aren't blooming yet. So, we play in other places, still featuring the snowy mountains and blue sky. Shyla waved hello to all of you from a favorite perch.

The bird season is still fascinating me, as our newly arrived migrants are getting their nests ready and fluttering around in the sunshine. Shyla knows where I like to stop to watch them, and she settles in the shade next to my bike to keep an eye on me while my eye is pressed to the viewfinder.

The tree swallows appear to have had a problem with their first eggs (perhaps recent sub-freezing temperatures hurt them), and they're making more. Suddenly I felt guilty for invading their privacy.

Then, we roll onward. Today, we stopped at a new viewpoint where I photographed my beautiful girl.
Shyla has reached that sweet age where she and I mostly move in sync. I rarely have to ask her twice to do something (unless I'm calling her away from elk poop!).

We still do clicker training regularly. Today, I was going to show you how I taught her to get up on a new platform dog bed and lie down. However, it took her less than 30 seconds to figure it out so it wasn't very interesting! I love having a dog who can read my mind. That happens with years together.

I love this girl. I feel so lucky that we've had so many years together, romping on our trails side by side!


  1. Hari OM
    ...and I am waving back from a long way over land and sea!!! YAM xx

  2. I bring toys to my mom too as we get ready for our morning walk, Shyla. We're waving right back atcha☺

  3. every video I have watched of you training Shyla proves to me she is super smart... she learns so quickly and she certainly LOOKS Super Sharp in her poses.. i am waving back Shyla

  4. I laughed about the platform bed "training" :)
    The last time I had my Occasional Helper here - sometime in March - I "repurposed" the discarded parts of a nice maple crib into a new bed for Piper. Lower than her couch, but with a standard crib mattress, also wider, which I thought would be more useful to her than the longer, narrower couch. Like Shyla, Pip hopped right up, and the hardest thing about the new bed is keeping her off it long enough to wash and replace the sheet :)
    p.s. had I known how long I would be without my Occasional Helper (no end in sight, but I'm not looking for a replacement since he is planning to come back...someday?) I would have had him focus only on heavy lifting and clambering around tasks, instead of "just hold this in place while I screw this support to it." Oh well.

  5. We always love to see the beautiful Shyla, she is such a happy girl.

  6. Love the waving photo! And I chuckled at the sight of the birds doing what they do. :)

  7. LOL I doubt the tree swallows minded.
    Shyla is beautiful, she simply exudes happiness in these photos :)

  8. No privacy there, not even a bedroom to escape to!!! Love the wave.

  9. I know what you mean. The bond I have with our four dogs is the same way. We are always reading each other's minds. I find this place in our life to be the most amazing. And that includes the cats as well. (THey are 15 yrs and 14 yrs. old.) No playing stupid with any of them. And then when Mark is home, it completes the circle. It is so cool and I don't know that I can really put into words, but I'm finding this the best part of the dogs and us. So cool!

  10. Waving back Shyla and giggling at the infatuation of Elk Poop ...obviously their diet smells of your lovely land.
    Hugs cecilia

  11. Spring looks like it finally arrived in your parts. So beautiful.

  12. You and Shyla have the perfect ambient relationship. What a special thing when that happens! I'm glad you're both enjoying the sunshine and landscape.

  13. Shyla sure is a beautiful girl both inside and out. You two are so in sync with each other. We can see it in her pictures.

  14. Heaven indeed. Bertie and I are waving back from Scotland.
    Cheers! Gail.


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