Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 29, 2020

Tiny and Mohawk come visit me at home!

Last weekend, I was sitting quietly at my computer looking over memory cards from my trail cameras, contemplating Mohawk's choice of male bears. There seem to be 6 or 7 male bears all looking for females in our neck of the woods. And, as of now, Mohawk seems to be the only female on the mating trail.

I knew that she and Tiny were together two years ago, and I believe that he was the father of at least one of her cubs. I felt sure that I'd get to find out who she linked up with because male and female bears spend several days together when they find each other.

I was totally engrossed in my computer when I heard a thump from outside. I looked and there were two bears outside my window! I had a camera with a long lens next to me, and I grabbed it. I got the female's butt as she galloped away, although my focus was accidentally on an aspen tree instead of her.

A large male was standing nearby, under our bear-proof birdfeeders. I got better photos of him.

I thought "TINY" when I saw him! My only question was that injury to his right ear which I didn't think that I'd seen before. In fact, I think that it's really fresh. You can't see it in this photo but he also has a small injury to his snout. He must have had to fight for this sow, who I later confirmed was Mohawk! I'm glad that he won - because there are some other pretty big bears out there this year. I worry about him with his lack of mobility due to his injury.

My trail cam pointed under the birdfeeder gave a more complete story of what happened. Mohawk arrived, and gazed up at the bird feeders that are way over her head.

She sniffed the ground, and her trademark mohawk showed up along her neck.

She gazed up again, wishing to eat those bird seeds.

Then the thump happened. I don't know what it was. I appeared in the window, and Mohawk started to leave as Tiny appeared.

Then, they both realized that the Runner was outside and nearby. They looked at him. He never saw them.

Mohawk fled, and Tiny turned to walk away. You can see Mohawk's head up above Tiny's butt in this photo.
I am so happy that I got to see these two in person this year. They are my two favorite bears. I did have a glimmer of worry about them so brazenly going near houses but most people around here are bear-savvy. To be honest, seeing them in person made my bear-watching year complete.


  1. Hari OM
    Exciting - though so near the house could become a concern? YAM xx

    1. Yes, it is a concern - but people in this area are generally bear-savvy and I don't know of any who would hurt them. However, it is a risky business for the bears because who knows who they might run into someday.

  2. My goodness, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have two bears outside your window! But I do like looking at your photos of them, they are magnificent creatures. Stay safe :) xx

  3. How exciting and they somehow look even bigger in your immediate back yard!

  4. That was quite a wonderful surprise! We're glad they weren't interested in what the Runner was doing.

  5. they will make beautiful babys together, I am wondering if there is a food shortage that they came so close to your house looking at bird seed.. they are both beautiful and i am glad they are in your yard and not mine

  6. Now that is what I call an up close and PURRsonal visit and beary special.
    Runner didn't see or hear them I guess that was a good thing.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. Wow! I'm glad they came for a short visit, but even more glad they didn't decide to bother Runner.

  8. How cool that they came to visit you. Maybe they have a trail cam and know who you are too!

  9. What a gift! 99% of my wildlife experiences have been like this - happening to look at the right spot at a brief moment and then having my eyes open wide!
    And hopefully since they found no free lunch at your place, they won't be inclined to return. A bear found a birdfeeder at my place ONE TIME and the bears came back looking for it every Spring for FOUR YEARS. I think they keep a database.

    1. To be clear, it was a birdfeeder full of 5 pounds of hulled sunflower seeds, and the mama bear and her three youngsters had a lovely picnic. If there had been no food within reach, I doubt my place would have had such longterm appeal.

  10. OMD...What a wonderful moment this must have been!!!!

  11. Remarkable and adaptive creatures. What a brilliant opportunity for you!

  12. Would this be the once in a lifetime event for you? right there, at your window? What luck you were near that window, and had the long lens there too. I also hope everyone living nearby is aware , bear savvy and doesn't take any other action. Maybe this was a dream come true.

  13. Both Bertie and I want to know how your dogs react to having bears outside the window?
    Cheers! Gail.

    1. They go CRAZY with barking! The two older ones calm down pretty quickly because they know that the smell of a bear doesn't mean that he's nearby (their smell seems to linger - to a dog's nose - for >24 hours). Hachi, on the other hand, was pretty nervous for the next 24 hours!

  14. What a wonderful moment for you!!! We think Mohawk and Tiny knew their visit would make you happy.

  15. It was nice of them to visit. They are having a grand romance worthy of Shakespeare

  16. Wow! Now that's a backyard sighting!!

    Yesterday the dogs and I had a grand hike at 6,000 feet, to escape the heat in the valley (3,000 feet). On our way out, a trail ranger mentioned that he had seen mama bear and two cubs just off the trail "by that hundred foot snow patch" we had passed a half hour before. Really glad our two pups didn't alert to them!

    Speaking of bears, I've kept my eyes peeled for 'bear trees' for years, ever since watching your first videos of same. Haven't found a one. You have a keener eye!

    Chris from Boise


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