Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

We have seen a lot of "Happy Hachi" this week. He's exuberant to greet us and then have a play session with me every morning. He always accepts affectionate or playful overtures from us humans. It's really wonderful to see him so happy.

Additionally, he's doing well when we see any of the many people who are unexpectedly popping up on our trails. He's in the process of making a new friend or two - people who are willing to work with us to let Hachi get used to them. There are a few, however, who will never offer to help Hachi get used to them - and I do worry what the behavior of those exceptions prevent Hachi from generalizing that strangers are not scary.

I was not feeling happy when I wrote last week's Hachi Chronicle. This particular combination of three dogs is difficult - and their many quirks were getting to me. First, we have Hachi, who must be separated from the others when indoors to prevent his aggressive acts. That means that we have gates in almost every doorway, and an ex pen in the middle of the main room of the house. We must ascertain where each of the dogs is before going through a gate. Then, we have Shyla, who suffers from separation anxiety that primarily manifests as non-stop barking when she is not able to be with us humans when we're all in the house (due to the logistics of separating the Duo from Hachi). Finally, we have R - who is completely blind and has not figured out how to navigate the house himself. If he wants to move, he barks for help - and we help him.

I don't mean to whine but I wanted you to have a picture of what was frustrating me me when I wrote last week's chronicle. I love each of these dog so much individually but they've proven to be a challenging combination of dogs. We are working on a few things to help them coexist in the house a bit better.
Back to Hachi, it is so rewarding when he has a week like this one. He seems so happy - and that is the best gift that he can give us.


  1. yes!!! that is the best gift and we hope there are many more of that precious gifts they present us ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    ...has this been a rather heavy way of learning the 'two is company three is a crowd' adage all over again? If so, I think you are negotiating the territory valiantly and for sure the rewards will be yours! YAM xx

  3. hugs to all of you, this has to be extremely frustrating... Hachi is sooooooooooo handsome

  4. This is quite a challenge and we know that you will overcome. We love your joy and your smile, Hachi!

  5. That does sound very challenging - no wonder you have been having some low moments. But Hachi certainly looks happy in today's photos, so something is going right.

  6. It's great to hear Hachi had such a good week. Our mom says she wishes she were one of your neighbors because she would love to make friends with Hachi. It's always stressful to have pups with so many different needs but you are doing your best for each of them.

  7. I've been there with dogs that lived together, but didn't get along. In a small house in Los Angeles with two other dogs that did get along, two cats, and two parakeets. I think the city allowed three pets. All dogs, except one, brought there by my husband, who just couldn't help himself when it came to picking up lost or abandoned dogs. I was often terribly upset, felt like my life got lost somewhere in all the confusion. But good news is we all survived, except one of the birds that escaped her cage and came to a sad end......So I understand and I admire your determination, your dog training skills, and your never ending love for all three of your dogs.

  8. As with everything, separating dogs has ups and downs. Sometimes it just seems like too much, but then days later it is all fine again. It will never be easy, and you can never completely relax, but you have to manage them to keep everyone safe. It's fine to have down times, because we all do. Glad this week was much better.

  9. It can be wearing dealing with the added and ongoing work involved when you've got "issues." I'm not surprised it can get to you sometimes!
    Not quite the same, but I'm considering splitting my herd into 3 instead of 2, so I can be sure the "lower" goats in the pecking order can get enough to eat without being harassed - I can accept a certain level of "pecking order" behavior, but the violence really bothers me. Some people would keep the whole herd together and let the chips fall, but I'm not happy doing that. I just wish the goats would understand that there is ALWAYS enough for EVERYONE, just like there has been every single day of their entire lives, and there's no need to be thuggish about it. Instead, a goat who is already eating from a bucket of oats will stop eating and run over to bash another goat who is getting a bucket. It's maddening because it's so unnecessary.

  10. Hi KB
    Happy Hachi...photo. My goodness I guess I didn't realize how many separated spaces you needed.
    I hope this week is better. Sending hugs and Memorial day wishes.

  11. Glad that Hachi is happy. It has taken so much work and patience on your part! And yes, dealing with three dogs who all have different issues requires the patience of a saint!

  12. Your pups are so lucky to have you. They can be challenging, but they are worth it.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. We are so happy to hear that it has been a Happy Hachi week. We totally understand the frustrations you must have with trying to meet the needs of each of the dogs. Wishing I had been able to find a way to make things work for Misty:(

  14. A happy Hachi is a wonderful thing to see and we hope you get to see lots of happy.

  15. You have done a fantastic job with them. I don't know of anyone who could have done better.

  16. I can only imagine how difficult it must be at times. These pups are all so fortunate to have found their way to you.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. Trust me, I understand the frustrations! I do not miss the days of having a "gated community" in the house! (We had to keep our cat Sam away from Luke), and it's still a challenge to have to be sure Luke's yard is clear of any guinea hens every time he wants to go out into his pen. But we love our guys even though they are challenging, and in the end I think the good outweighs the bad.
    ♥ Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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