Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trail Cam Surprise - The Cuteness of Marmots

You may remember that I started preparing for a potential coyote den cam last fall. I set up trail cams at a site that ranchers and other locals said that coyotes liked to use to raise their young. I set the cams up so early because coyotes are renowned for noticing small changes in their environment. I wanted them to be used to the cams by this spring when it was time for pups to be born.

I stayed away from the site for weeks after the time when coyote pups were due to be born. Finally, for logistical reasons, I had to go to the cams. As I approached, I noticed marmots all around the den. I thought "that's odd - you'd think that they'd be afraid of coyotes". I stayed still to watch them, and I realized that the underground den must be occupied by marmots this year.

Indeed, I was right. For some reason, the coyotes chose to den elsewhere, and the marmots moved into the den. At first, I was disappointed. Then, I realized that marmots are pretty cool. They are highly social animals living in groups, and they are probably raising young inside that den. They live for a very long time, 15-18 years. That's exceptional for an 8 lb animal.

Marmots are so cute when they play. They are like fat wrestlers who love to stand on their hind paws and face each other down.

Then, one animal ends up on his back. The other lets him back up, and they start all over again.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep a cam here to see their young who haven't emerged from the den yet. It's grazing territory, and cattle season is upon us. No matter what, I am nothing but grateful that we had the chance to catch a glimpse of the private lives of these animals.

That's the best part of trail cams - you get to see animals behaving as if no people are watching. In contrast, with a handheld camera, the animal is almost always aware that a person is nearby - and they don't behave naturally.

If you have time, check out this short video of the marmots playing!


  1. they are cute!!! and I like the way you described them... exactly...fast wrestlers LOL

  2. Closer up at the end, And up tall, just as if one was talking to the other " What's that?" .This is superb, seeing them playing and the squeals. A pair of cute animals.

  3. What delightful playful creatures to watch :)

  4. What cute little guys they are! They remind me of our woodchucks.

  5. So adorable. I wasn't aware that marmots would live so far from alpine zone. In Colorado I've only ever seen them above 11,000 feet.

  6. I think that is my favorite video of this year. I am so glad you are such a determined person. that you seek out these wonderful sites and share them with us. things we would never get to see without you.

  7. How cute they are! It's too bad we might not get to see the babies but thanks for showing us what you did get. Maybe next time you will get the coyotes.

  8. So thankful you were able to catch them at play and relaxed! I would love to see the babies when they emerge.

  9. I love the one at 2:05 - "Hey Alan! Let's wrestle!"

  10. Aw, so adorable. That video made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Maromots are adorable. I had no idea they were your neighbors. What a variety of you have. They are very chubby, with a waddle in their walk.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. I loved the marmot video, thanks so much for posting! Unusual to get to see them interacting.

  13. Such a fun surprise, we enjoyed seeing them too!

  14. Oh my, I never would have thought they were so playful!!

  15. Oh, they're funny. The first shots I wonder if they could see themselves in the lens of the camera as they seemed to be looking directly at it.

    But my favorite moment was when the two were standing side by each and the one reached over and shoved the other...and the fight was on. They remind me of kittens or small boys playing! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I never heard of this animal before. Had to Google it to find out it's a very large squirrel.

  17. LOL, they are so adorable and funny to watch!

  18. They are so adorable!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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