Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog doesn't look backwards to yearn for what he had in earlier years. I, on the other hand, sometimes do. I wistfully wish for bygone days of taking a quick spin into the meadow with R by my side. I'd lay down my bike near the flowers, and we'd play. With his loss of sight, it's not so easy anymore for R or for those who guide him.

I need to learn from him. He's so joyful about what he can do. He enjoys each moment, one at a time, without looking backward or forward. He doesn't mourn what is gone or worry about what the future might bring.
In that spirit, I push everything extraneous out of my mind when I have a few minutes with our Black Dog in the flowers. He and I smile and even laugh together. Time stands still.

I love our Black Dog.


  1. Hari OM
    Those are good qualitites to engender for sure! YAM xx

  2. My eyes are singing with tears. If only us humans good leader laughs like a dog does. Only look at the good things that are happening at the moment

  3. If we could only be more like you, R♥ You look so handsome in your field of yellow flowers!

  4. Your handsome self always does make us smile R!

  5. If only Black Dog knew how handsome he looks posing in yellow flowers...

  6. I don't know how you and R do it, but I always feel blessed when I read about both of you together. Thank you so much.

  7. I agree with Beth. You have a special relationship with each of the pups, but when I read about R, it brings a special joy.

  8. R you are so very handsome and have such a precious spirit...we all can learn from you to enjoy the present
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. R you shine with happiness even with your limited sight,if we could all accept each day like you do life would be so joyful. Love seeing you there in the flowers.

  10. Our pets can teach us so much about how to live in the moment, not worrying about the past or the future and just enjoying now. Black Dog is a wonderful example of that :)

  11. When we age we will remember how much dignity R showed as he faced down the aging process

  12. Just lookie at that handsome face! R, you are the most handsome ManDog evers! Live your best life my furiend. ♥
    Ruby ♥

  13. We love R too and we're glad you can enjoy your special moments with him.

  14. A dog's ability to live in the moment is one of their better qualities.

  15. I've been looking forward to these pictures of your dogs in fields of yellow flowers. We have so much to learn from our dogs.

  16. He just looks so darn handsome amongst those yellow flowers!! ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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