Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had an uneventful week - and that's a good thing! We humans think that he's in a good place these days.

We are slowly but surely learning the rules of life for a dog like Hachi. He loves routine, and it's best to stick with the routine if we can. But, if we want him to adapt to something new, do it as gradually as we can. Last week, we turned his world upside down by accident when the Runner couldn't take Hachi on his normal morning jaunt. So, instead, I took Hachi for a bike ride into the meadow where we played in the flowers. Hachi's head seemed to spin with the stress of novelty.

This week, so that I could play with Hachi in the flowers, we all met in the meadow during Hachi's morning run, and then the Runner left him with me for 15 minutes. That worked much better! It had elements of Hachi's normal routine with one unusual part - playing with me in the meadow - and then his normal route resumed immediately after that.

He still was a bit stressed but nowhere near as badly as last week.
It may sound crazy that we have to think so carefully about Hachi's routine. Indeed, it feels crazy to us. However, we are learning that it's worth being careful. Slow and steady is the best way to help Hachi to change.

All is well in Hachi's world this week. We love him, and that's the most important thing.


  1. great that all is well... we love your photos... it is like running through a field with little suns ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    And indeed Hachi is now contributing handsomely to the collection of meadow shots!!! YAM xx

  3. The yellow wildflowers bring out the color of your beautiful eyes, Hachi!

  4. Hachi is so handsome and so lucky to have you!
    Mabel & Hilda

  5. This is excellent news! And it all makes perfect sense to me. I saw an article yesterday about people who are returning to work after their 3 months at home should the week before go into their new work schedule and try to do it every day to ease them into the new schedule which like what you are doing

  6. It's good to hear he had a good week despite some minor stress. You all are doing such a wonderful job with him.

  7. And he knows you love him and that's a wonderful thing. He's a handsome pup too.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Hachi are very cat like. Angel Madi DID NOT like her routine changed and boy could that Diva wake the town and tell the people when something was different. It is absolutely OK. WE often say Angel Madi had lots of similar traits as her K9 brudder Toto the mighty mini dachshund.
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Isn't it fascinating how that one little change can upset the entire emotional balance. how delicate their minds are when you're dealing with a dog like Hachi. Love how you and the Runner handled it. It keeps the creativity alive. :)

  10. Yes, you're correct - he is well loved and that is the most important thing. Have fun!

  11. Yes, uneventful is really a good thing. That handsome Hachi is so lucky to have so much love.

  12. I totally understand. If we do something with or for the dogs more than once, it becomes "routine" and they know when and what it is we're all supposed to be doing the next day. We think they would make perfect Episcopalians (we are, and apologize if anyone is offended-none intended).

  13. Hailey is also a creature of routine. There are some changes that go easier for her. But she is happiest when predictable (she has even figured our on Sundays we take a longer walk to a different spot).

  14. Gail can get stressed at forced changes to her routine, so understands a bit of how Hachi feels!

  15. It's always the little things that usually add up to a big to-do.

  16. We're so glad you all had a good week! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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