Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog continues to think that I'm 10 feet tall. I have to keep making sounds to remind him that I'm way down on the ground along with him. When we play in the flowers, I often see this look which is directed about 8 feet over my head.
Our Black Dog has been lagging a bit this week. We had his hematocrit (red blood cell count) tested, and that gave us an explanation. It's much too low for a dog who lives at high elevation. Our vet will consult with R's oncologist to figure out a course of action. We may need some more testing - because one worry is that he has another tumor. The first indication of his spleen tumor was a low hematocrit.

Knowing that he lacks red blood cells, it's not surprising that he's been low on energy during our evening hikes, sometimes even digging in his heels and refusing to go further. So, I've hesitated to ask him to visit the yellow flowers with me.

Finally, last evening, I asked the Runner to give R and me a 15 minute head start on the evening hike. I thought that we'd find a nearby patch of flowers to play in. But, lo and behold, R was peppy and happily walked all the way to my favorite yellow flowers. Yipee!!!!!
I was so glad that R could rally and enjoy some flower time with me. I told him jokes while we lay in the flowers, and he looked at me dubiously. If anyone overheard my end of our conversations in the flowers, they'd think that I was insane. They'd be right but it's a happy kind of crazy - Black Dog Crazy!

A dog like our Black Dog brings out the best in everyone around him, including me.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. What a lovely description of your time in the yellow flowers with R.
    Bertie never laughs at my jokes either!
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Head Starts Are The Best - And To BLK Dog, Your Heart Makes You About 10 Feet Tall - Lets Stay Positive And Enjoy The Smaller Hikes Of Life - Big Group Hugs


  3. Happy chats with your dog are the bestest!

  4. Seeing your black dog in those sunny yellow flowers makes us smile.

  5. Those are wonderful photos of the handsome R and we all send POTP his way!

  6. He is such a handsome boy 💙. Our little blind man used to look way up too, guessing it may have something to do with the blindness? Fitz had some vision on the"outside" maybe by looking up he could see a shadow of us. Happy black dog Sunday 💕

    1. It never occurred to me that he might be looking high because it lets him see a bit of light and shadows. It's so consistent that I bet that you're right. Thanks.

  7. Thinking of you and R. He always looks so phenomenal in those yellow flowers. :)

  8. R I agree with the Op Pack I am in love with you too. Your inner beauty is shining almost as much as your black furs...
    hugs Cecilia

  9. He is such a loving dog. AND so handsome too. Enjoy your time!

  10. We all border on insanity when it comes to our dogs. Even while sometimes they are the ones keeping us sane!

  11. We're so glad R had a better day and you got to enjoy it together. We hope he will continue to be more peppy. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. R has overcome so much. We are never betting against him. Keep running good buddy.

  13. Awwwww! What a sweet story! Oh R, you bring happiness where ever you go! Your handsome face always brings a smile to my face!
    I gots my paws crossed that the peeps can figure out how to gets you feelin' a little better. {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  14. Oh R - you are the Comeback Kid. Every good day is a Good Day indeed! Sure hope the low hematocrit is caused by a minor problem. Sending Black Dog scritches.

    Chris from Boise

  15. Black dog crazy seems like a terrific condition! Keeping our paws crossed for your sweet black fella as you pursue a health plan for the low hematocrit.

  16. I savor the black dog posts. Do they give red-cell boosting injections to dogs? I sometimes have to get them because of the chemotherapy and they make a big difference right away. Fingers crossed and good vibes.


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