Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Shyla Saturday

My morning bike ride with Shyla is often my favorite part of my day. We get out early, and the sun shines on us.  The yellow flowers are blooming like crazy. We have so much fun together - two girls who are best friends!

We often take a break to watch birds. Shyla is so patient, lying next to my bike in the shade. Watching me take photos must be as exciting as watching paint dry. Perhaps she likes this break in the cool grass. This is a Flicker who seemed to wave at us from high in an aspen tree!

It's been such a slow process for Shyla to gain confidence that I have a tendency to take her happiness for granted. I remember when her ears were consistently pinned back because she was terrified. Not anymore.
I love this girl like crazy. From our morning bike rides to our daily snuggles, she's the best friend in the world.


  1. Hari Om
    The rewards of love and care... YAM xx

  2. You look so happy bouncing through the beautiful yellow wildflowers, Shyla!

  3. That Flicker photo is amazing, it certainly does look like it is waving at you :)

  4. The joy the two of you share shines through the photos. Great shot of the flicker!

  5. You two have such great times together! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. Shyla sure looks happy in those pictures. We love to see her flying ears. A nice shot of the flicker too.

  7. Love that 'happy' smile to accompany her flying ears! The meadow sure is pretty contrasting with her chocolate coat.

  8. KB what an amazing view of the Flicker's under carriage and the sun through it wings.
    Thank you and Shyla for taking us on your ride
    Hugs ceiclia

  9. Shyla, you are living the best life. You are always so happy in all of your photos. Such a wonderful morning you two have together. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a fantastic rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  10. That bird really IS waving at you! Shyla seems to be your heart dog. There's nothing better in the world.

  11. You are both very special girls.

  12. Shyla always does make us smile. WOW, that bird photo is amazing. Hey, our sweet Zoe didn't make it.

  13. Shyla was born to run in a field of yellow flowers. And, yes, that bird photo is AMAZING!!


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