Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is an endlessly happy guy.  It's impossible not  to smile along with him.
Our Black Dog is a very content dog.

For those who have been following along with Black Dog Sundays, he will be having tests done at the end of this week to try to figure out why his red blood cell count is so low. In the meantime, we are planning to enjoy these summer days with him.

We'll be taking a short blogging break and will return later this week.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Enjoy your blogging break and your time spent with dear Black Dog.

  2. Hari OM
    G'day, R... sending all good vibes for investigations and restful blog break. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Immersion in joy is the best thing :)

  4. Will miss you! I wish I could plant a kiss right on top of that big beautiful black head

  5. We're smiling right along with you, R☺ Paws and fingers are crossed for you♥

  6. R always does bring smiles with him.

  7. Have a good week, and I certainly hope the tests bring some clarity and resolution for R.

    Take care and stay well!

  8. Happy boy!!! All paws crossed and prayers too for good test results.

  9. Enjoy your time away. We hope you're doing something fun with the dogs. Sending 'pawsitive' thoughts on your Black Dog's tests.

  10. See ya later, Black Dog, hopefully with good news. Kisses and licks, Lucy and Xena

  11. a huge hug and loads of love for that beautiful Black Dog!
    praying for good news. xoxo

  12. Dear R my handsome friend you will be in my thoughts and prayers during your tests as will KB and the Runner.
    Sending healing hugs

  13. More tests R ? Just look at your smile, that would wow the socks off any phlebotomist for sure!!!!

  14. R is such a handsome, happy fellow! Enjoy your blogging break and know that positive thoughts and wishes are headed your way.

  15. We hope all goes well with the tests. He sure looks great!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. R sure looks so happy. Our paws are crossed that the vet can figure out what is wrong and there is an easy solution.

  17. POTP to the wonderful black dog. I'm hoping for the best possible news.

  18. I hope he will be OK. He's such a special dog and how great it is that he is happily living his life. We have a lot to learn from our dogs.

  19. Be well sweet handsome R.
    We happy crazy Love you.

    astro and mitzie

  20. We will be saying prayers for the super resilient R.

  21. Have fun on your time away. I love the smiling R photo amid the flowers.

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