Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 3, 2020

Summer Happiness

It is the time of year when the world is exploding with life. Everywhere I look, flowers are blooming. Yellows, whites, blues... And my sweet Shyla is full of happy energy.
I am filled with my usual summer joy. In the mountains, it is rarely too hot so I don't find there to be a downside to summer. Long days, warm sunshine, and happy mountain biking.

Life is little crazy right now with too much happening in our life. I hope to post daily but please don't worry if I miss a day here or there. There may be some big news in the near future. I hope so.


  1. we cross all paws for you and we hope that the things what happen in your life are good things ;O) ... summy joy... not even a poet could create a better word... thT#s what it is

  2. A great smile there from Shyla. In the ScottishHighlands the downside of summer is the midges. No biting insects in your neck of the woods?

  3. You do look so happy in your beautiful world, Shyla. We send lots and lots of positive vibes your way!

  4. Happy 4th of July to my friends in the Rockies...and of course hugs

  5. I don't like Cliffhangers and now I will be waiting with bated breath to see what the big news is! It looks like Shia Le is laughing in that pit first picture. The silly phone will not let me spell Shiloh so you know who I'm talkin about. So glad you're enjoying your summer and glad that y'all are all safe and sound

  6. Shyla sure does look happy. Now you have our curiosity up regarding your last words.

  7. Good luck with whatever is happening. Shyla exudes happiness! Enjoy your day.

  8. Hope things go well during this busy time. Have a great 4th.

  9. Some of my favorite pictures on the blogs are those of Shyla running through fields of yellow flowers.

  10. Your Summer Happiness sounds perfect :)
    Good luck with all your activities and I hope your Big News turns out well.

  11. We are glad you are happy. We don't like summer at all. It's too hot to have fun outside, but we are on the way to winter. Can't wait to hear what surprise you have in store. Happy 4th of July weekend.

  12. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. We hope all is well and of course will look forward to as many posts as you have time to share. Be safe, be happy and have a pawsome 'howliday' weekend.

  14. I think summer is extra-special, probably because it's so short. Keep enjoying, and can't wait to hear your news!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Thinking of you and all of your family, human and canine. Happy Fourth - we look forward to hearing your news. We hope things went well for R. Misty has had her first surgery today. Surgeon says it went well and she can come home late afternoon!!!

  16. News, how can we be waiting patiently? Shyla, enjoy those long summer days, and at that altitude, not too hot maybe.

  17. Looks like a beautiful summer so far!! Enjoy!

  18. Hi KB, Just stopping by to wish you and the pack a Happy 4th of July. I'm wondering if you are getting a pup? Can't wait to see.
    I've been absent a lot lately and hope to get better about checking in.

  19. Shyla sure is a pretty gal. We're thinking of you and hope all is okay.

  20. That looks like the perfect place to send these summer days

  21. Oh Shyla, you look pawsome in that photo gurl! Oh, big things???? Oh, that sounds exciting!!!! Is it a new margarita truck???? BOL!
    Ruby ♥


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