Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 17, 2020

A Bear Waking up from a Nap

I cannot resist but share the second part of the bear's nap. This is such relaxing footage to watch, giving an intimate view of a very relaxed bear.

In this part, he was waking up. He yawned a few times and he stretched. At one point, he got that look of inertia that I always feel when waking up. He seemed to think, "I know that I should get up but I'm not sure that I feel like it yet".

Enjoy this short video. Let's hope that we witness another bear nap sometime this summer!


  1. he is so much like da nelly ... love him!!!!

  2. Hari OM
    This is wonderfurs!!! What a brilliant spot for him to settle and for us to gain the full benefit of sharing in his rest. YAM xx

  3. I was thinking the same thing that easy said he looks so much like big boy when he's waking up. Who knew that watching a bear sleep and wake up could be so entertaining and make me laugh! I love the snuffling noises he makes while he's waking up. And if he had an alarm with a snooze button he would be slapping it that's what he reminded me of

  4. What a fun video. I think I need a nap now.

  5. WOW....what a wonderful closeup video too. almost like he knew he was on camera.
    I have a bear on my post today too. My nephews Kat, Pup and Rocky live in the mountains of Ga....
    they had a visitor.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. What a cute video. Loved him scratching his belly with his front paw☺

  7. Such a happy bear, and those giant paws. Just want to hug him, but that of course can't happen.

  8. So relaxed, he must have felt very safe to be there, and the claws, love the close ups. Very warm at about 25C, or 80F.

  9. Such wonderful footage...and a treat to see him so very relaxed in his natural habitat!!

  10. It is so wonderful to see them in their natural habitat. He's such a magnificant animal.

  11. That would be a terible things for Goldilocks to walk in on

  12. That bear sure looks very comfy and relaxed. He makes us want to nap in the mud too:)

  13. Haha, I get that feeling too. It's just so darn comfortable here, I don't want to get up! But eventually we all have to give in. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

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