Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am so filled with gratitude for the inspiring sights around me in the summer. Much to my utter delight, some forest lilies rallied to bloom despite our drought. I've been taking a water bottle for the ones in my "secret stash" each day - trying to help them keep blooming. Maybe it has helped.
These are among my very favorite flowers. Part of the reason is that they are so rare!

Sadly, I couldn't carry enough water to help the huge meadow full of yellow flowers survive the drought. We had some yellow flowers blooming but absolutely nothing like the number we saw during last year's wet summer. This one was from last year.
I love seeing our "Browns" (that's what we call Hachi and Shyla) playing together, especially in the yellow flowers.

Mother Nature makes me smile so much! I am thankful.


  1. the flowers make a perfect background to brown dogs!!!

  2. Your Gratitude Is Infectious


  3. I always enjoy seeing your wildflowers and I'm sorry that the drought has made them not as good this year. I like senior Browns play to I like seeing your brown bears play 2

  4. Your forest lily is so pretty and we love your "browns" racing among the cheerful yellow wildflowers!

  5. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  6. That lily is beautiful. It's nice to have lots of flowers in our garden but what a treasure it must be to see all those native flowers in the wild.

  7. That forest lily is exquisite. Keeping flowers alive down here requires daily watering. Wish the monsoons would kick in. Stay cool.

  8. Mother Nature always does deliver smiles, especially in your neck of the woods! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Wild flowers are most beautiful. Your pups running through the wild flowers is even better.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Oh yes nature is thirsty. Your secret stash is pretty and the Browns look outstanding in the field of yellow
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. I've enjoyed catching up on your posts - Of course the bear video is a treasure, and I showed it to my husband too. I'm also glad that you, your boy Hachi are all enjoying life!!

  12. Nature is so generous in sharing her beauty with us (the field of flowers is gorgeous) - even if she changes what she shares each year. The forest lily is so delicate and pretty, what a joy to see it bloom in the wild like that :)

  13. What a beautiful Lily!! We are also so very thankful for the nature that surrounds us!

  14. I am so thankful that our drought ended. Many things were starting to look sad here, but everything perked right up when we finally got that much-needed rain. Hope you also get some soon. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Stunning lily! I couldn't make it through this world if it wasn't for nature. Like you, I enjoy it every day. It is so amazing!

  16. The forest lily is beautiful, long may it flourish. Golden flowers, I guess the seasons run to their own tune, and drought or rain, will survive the next time round.

  17. Your "browns" in the yellows. How sweet. It's pretty special that you've been watering a few of the lilies, giving them a better chance to grow and gift the world with their beauty.

  18. And the yellow flowers are just perfect for those beautiful "browns". It has been dry here too, but we got a good soaking yesterday morning. With the heat we have coming, we will need lots more.

  19. Oh, those lily's are just beautifuls!!!! I would bring them water too ~ yes, I thinks you sure have helped them out!
    Nows...can I do some zoomies too??? It looks like so much funs!
    Ruby ♥

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