Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Bear Cubs On their Own

Do you remember our tiny bear cubs from last year - Brownie and Blackie? They were a colorful pair last summer. They played crazily, with Brownie mostly winning their play fights.

They split from their mom back in May. She had several beaus during mating season so she is now fattening up to give birth to cubs this winter.

Meanwhile, both of the yearling cubs are still in the area. Brownie is definitely a male - his favorite thing in the world is marking trees! In contrast, Blackie (now called "May Belle") has never marked a tree. She loves baths, just like her mom does.

The great thing about May Belle being a female is that she will stay in the area. We need more sows as we have about a 10:1 male to female ratio. I hope that she grows up safely and that we get to watch her for a long time.

Both cubs appear to be confident and are navigating the world on their own really well. They are not together - which is not too surprising because Brownie was quite a bully to his sister. However, my cams have picked up footage of both of them over the past month.

It's fun to see them growing up. Enjoy the video.


  1. all kids love to play in the mud... love them!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gosh that Brownie guy takes tree marking to a whole new level. Makes my lifting a leg and leaving a little pee seems somehow inadequate, effeminate even...
    Toodle pip!

    1. You are hilarious, Bertie! I've seen coyotes roll around at the base of bear marking trees. Perhaps you should try that?!?

  4. My heart melted in my chest watching Maybelle play in that puddle

  5. Hari OM
    ...okay, I had a serious comment but then saw Bertie's... and cracked up!!! YAM xx

  6. How nice to see that both cubs are still around. That Brownie sure is an enthusiastic marker.

  7. Brownie sure does love his trees and we think it's funny that May Belle treads lightly through the mud.

  8. It's good they are doing okay and I hope they both continue to thrive for years to come!

  9. I'm so happy they are doing well. I must admit I've grown quite attached to this pair - I know it's silly.

  10. GOL GOL GOL Brownie you are too funny!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Brownie is quite the tree bully, too! Like most females, May Belle needs her "Calgon take me away" moments during the day.

  12. Brownie, those delicate steps as she skirts round the pond, and as for Blackie, there will be some branches that will be lucky to stay intact. Superb trail cam footage. A delight to see the recordings, I can only imagine your joy when you see them for the first time.

  13. It was so good to see the 2 bears. I love how Mae Belle is trying not to get her paws muddy!

  14. Brownie sure can dance:) And Blackie really loves her pond. We hope they both grow and thrive well.

  15. She's just lovely. Here, the bears used to mark my telephone posts, for lack of a good tree. I believe they moved to higher elevations during the drought years and, as far as I know, have never come back.

  16. OMD, they are just amazin'!!!! I sure hopes they gets some fats on them this summer ☺
    Bertie, you are just too funny my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  17. So happy they are both doing well out on their own. Brownie is a good looking fellow, but no one needs a bully. Hopefully being a bully won't get him in trouble with other males out there.

  18. It's funny how their "personalities" seem to have carried over since their baby days :)

  19. How wonderful to know that they are both still out there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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