Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had another great week. Watching him open up, ask for affection, be playful, and be confident - all normal things for most dogs - fills my heart. I didn't realize how shut down he was previously until he began to change. I think that he is happier than he's ever been.
During the day, he sometimes comes to me to request affection or play. He and I have lots of spontaneous fun. It used to be that I had to work hard to draw him out of his shell. Not anymore.

One of his favorite things in the world, just as it's always been, is playing with his sister in wide open fields. They both play with utter abandon. We are still having some trouble finding times when the trail system near us is quiet enough for them to play - but we have a plan to improve that situation.
I love when I have a happy report about Hachi. We love him.


  1. that are great news... and we hope you will always find a big place for the two where thy can run and play

  2. We love hearing wonderful news and we love seeing you so happy playing with Shyla, Hachi!

  3. It makes us happy to hear Hachi is doing so well. We can tell how much he and Shyla love to play together. It's our favorite activity too.

  4. We really do love seeing that happy and romping Hachi!

  5. So happy to hear another positive report from happy boy Hachi

  6. Who wouldn't love a Happy Hachi report?

  7. It's good when all is well. Hachi has come a long way and so have you and the other pups. It's a group effort.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. The joy Hachi displays is evident, even to a non-dog person like myself. I suffered a severe bite from a dog several years ago and now I'm extremely nervous around most dogs, especially big ones. But I sure enjoy seeing the photos of your fur babies!

  9. he finally has a real home where he is loved and valued!
    and he's learning he can trust that.
    bless all of you! XO

  10. And we are the happy recipients of seeing your happy boy. 😊

  11. I am so glad that the medicine is working for Hachi! I could never bring myself to take that road with Brut. Just wasn't an option for us and we did it the hard way. lol

    Glad you took that chance and it is working for both of you. (((HUGS)))

  12. It's so wonderful he is actually initiating the play and attention now!

  13. We once had a cat (named Nelson) who was very similar to Hachi - he finally (with a lot of work) came round to accepting the two of us but never adapted to other people or strange situations. We still loved him though :)

  14. I love seeing them playing like nobody is watching BUTT we are thanks to you
    Hugs cecilia

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  16. Yay for another great week for Hachi. We bet Shyla gives him confidence and comfort.

  17. Wahoo, so happy to hear Hachi had such a good week!!

  18. I doubt her would have done as well at another home.

  19. OMD, that is FABulous news! And that photo says it all!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Such great news, more and more positive reports. That guy deserves to be happy!

  21. This is so great to hear! ♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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