Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Black Dog Sunday - A Turnaround

Our Black Dog had a jaw-dropping turnaround this week after struggling with pain. We had a phone conference with his vet mid-week. Due to a lack of other good options, we asked about CBD oil and whether it might help R's pain and possibly his reticence to try things since becoming blind.

Our vet said that it was worth a try. She suggested a couple of CBD companies, and I immediately ordered some CBD oil from them. But, it seemed like it was going to be slow in getting here.

Then, I remembered that I'd purchased some veterinary CBD oil a while ago but decided not to use it. I dug it out, and it hadn't expired yet. So, I gave some to R that very day.
The change in him was miraculous. Suddenly, R was ZOOMING on walks, including our evening trail hikes. I was having to hustle to keep up with him! Then, he enthusiastically RAN for 20 minutes the day after starting CBD.

This naturally skeptical person is convinced that CBD has some amazing effects. I didn't want to be too negative in last week's Black Dog Sunday (pre-CBD) but R seemed almost depressed. I think that severe pain on top of being newly blind was really weighing down his spirit.
His spirit is back to its usual buoyant state. He's a happy dog, and we humans are overjoyed.

It is indeed a HAPPY Black Dog Sunday.


  1. That's really interesting and such good news!

  2. Hari OM
    This is where the word miraculous may be applied! YAM xx

  3. Ditto to Yamimi, we wonder if it is as good for us humans.

  4. We are overjoyed for you, R! Yay for CBD oil!

  5. Wow! This is fantastic! I am so happy for all of you. And it's good to know I will pass it on two others who might have a need for it. I am thinking it's a good thing to try for people also

  6. So glad it helped and hope it continues to help. My dad tried it for his nerve pain and their was no difference.

  7. Yay R you definitely have a new lease on life and a spring in your giddy up!!
    You are very lucky to have a mom who never EVER gives up on finding help for you and your siblings.
    Hugs cecilia

  8. That really is terrific news and we're so happy to read this today. We love you R!

  9. This is tail wagging good news. P.S. If you ever need locally produced, organic CBD (from Franktown), let me know. I carry it for resale and it's made a world of difference for Elsa and can get it to you quickly.

  10. Wow, that is great news! Gorgeous shots.

  11. We are so happy for you and R that you decided to try the CBD! I use a combo CBD/joint supplement for Luke and it seems to do well for him. Knock wood - I have not seen his knee pop out in quite a while.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. I'm overjoyed that you could help him! bless all of you! xo

  13. OH, that is just wonderful Maybe we need to think about trying some with Lightning too. R - we are so impressed with how well you can put up the good fight.

  14. So glad to hear about the improvement in the black dog's life. I know you will make the most of it for however long it lasts. And I hope that will be for a long time.

  15. This is wonderful news! And I've sent an email...

  16. I'm glad that the CBD oil has worked so well for R, and I hope that those fun and energetic days continue!

  17. WoooooHooooo!!! OMD, that is FABulous news! Ma got some for me in treatie form, butts it didn't seem to do much, butts she remembered she does have some capsules that she just might give me after hearing this amazin' news!
    Ruby ♥

  18. I'm so glad you have found something to help Black Dog. I have no idea what CBD oil is, but it sounds fantastic :)

  19. That is great news about the CBD oil for R. We're so happy to see him doing so well.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. This Tickles Me Pink - I Am A Supporter Of CBD Creams And Refer My Older Clients Constantly - Sore Elbows, Cream - Cracking On Knee Caps, Cream - Of Course I Explain That The Cream Is Not THC Filled And No Psychoactive Ramifications - The Salve Is An Option But Its An Acquired Product As Were The Cream Soaks In Without The Wax Feeling - After That Speech, Works Wonders And They Tell Their Friends - Thanx So Much For Adding This To BLK Dog's Already Healthy Diet - Now, BLK Dog Would Love A Nice Shoulder Rub And Neck As Well - Prod Of You Humans



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