Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 10, 2020

Feline Friday - Female mountain lion caterwauls and finds a mate

The female mountain lion who killed a deer in the meadow near homes and who circled our area in daylight for weeks had another surprise for us.

She began caterwauling at scent posts soon after she finished eating the deer. Then, I knew that she was in estrus. She was trying to call in a mate. I suspect that she had a specific male in mind all along, which is why she stayed in one part of his normal travel path for so long. She was waiting for him to come along.

I have two videos today. The first video shows the progression from the female's caterwauling to the two of them being together.

The second video is short, and it is spooky! When the lion pair first got together, they vocalized during a loud and scary thunderstorm.The scene sent shivers up my spine especially because it was so close to a favorite trail...


  1. love how he scratched with his paws... better than our boys ;O)

  2. Seeing the mountain lions prowl around each other and hearing their vocalisations is fascinating. I'm trying to think what human emotion comes closest - but perhaps that's not the right way to view a wild animal!
    Great video footage, as ever.
    Thanks! Gail.

  3. We had to mute the videos. The thunderstorm in the first one sent Molly flying out the room. LOL We love the mountain lions. They are so beautiful.

  4. Had to think while I was watching this that she could have picked a better time than a rainstorm to call him haha

  5. Wow, now these are huge felines. You live is such a heavenly place.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. That caterwauling and thunderstorm woke Norman up who seemed to be wondering what the devil is that! Really interesting the male is quiet. Maybe he's henpecked? 🤣

  7. The male is a big guy! I guess that's why she likes him. :)

  8. OMCs she really is a chatty caterwauler, Obviously by the sounds of the thunder mountain lions are not bothered by it like domestic critters.
    Happy Friday and thank you for the great videos
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. What great footage. We have our paws crossed that we will get to see some little lions later this summer.

  10. Especially when she looks right at the camera, like she sees us, and then hisses! Yikes!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. That's some ShoutFest! I sure wouldn't like being out in that storm!

  12. Wow..she looks like she is looking straight into the camera during the second video, very cool!!

  13. Love conquers all, even a hovering storm. Our ginger boy Boris ran up the hall and into every room looking for the newcomer making that sound, it is so like Moxy, the abyssinian boy. Moxy, who is sitting quite close, slept through both the videos.Too close for comfort or safety for you?

  14. She is a chatterbox for sure!!! We were amazed at how much bigger he looks that she does.

  15. Your videos are the most fascinating things I see every day you post one.


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