Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Earlier this week, we visited a huge open area near the Continental Divide. We wanted to see Comet Neowise in this dark and picturesque setting. We brought along our Black Dog as a special treat for him and because we are so happy that he can hike again.

We'd seen the comet from other places. Due to light from towns, it was hard to spot with the naked eye. When we arrived in this mountain spot, it was completely different. The comet was bright and big - and it was gorgeous over the mountains. And it had zillions of other stars twinkling around it.
We settled in to take in the beauty. Some other people were doing the same thing. A comet overhead draws people outdoors to see it. Then, a sheriff's deputy arrived. Unbeknownst to us, the area was supposed to close at 10PM. He made almost everyone leave but he didn't see us sitting quietly a fair distance from the parking lot.

I did have to wonder, with all of the problems in our world right now, why was law enforcement so concerned with stopping people from quietly watching the sky? I'll never know the answer.

Having been overlooked, we stayed a while longer, soaking up the glory of Mother Nature. And,  for that, I am so grateful.


  1. that's like magic... can we make a wish or is wishful thinking only for falling stars?

  2. This photo is so beautiful and to me it could be used as a Christmas card. I like all those glittering stars as much as a comet

  3. What a wonderful event to witness. Beautiful photo!

  4. That had to be so amazing to see, beautiful photo. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Another great picture of the comet. Lucky you to be able to sneak past the officer unnoticed.

  6. Incredible photo, thanks for sharing! I'm glad you were able to avoid detection...it is surprising that the park area would be closed that early.

  7. Comets are fascinating. What a thrill that you were able to watch this one, your photo is spectacular :)

  8. What a gorgeous photo...I too wonder with all the bigger issues in populated areas...they are checking the great out of door's wide open spaces.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. If you get up in the mountains where the city lights are gone the views are indeed breathtaking. You did a great job photographing this too. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. So worth the trip to a distant area. I know how city lights are a problem, when our Japanese student was living with us in 2002, she said the the stars were brighter down here. Same stars, less pollution and other light distractions.We often looked at the night sky, to her it seemed so very different. Love your comet with the other twinkles.R, you are a wonder, hope the stars shone for you too.

  11. We are so glad you were able to stay and get this amazing photo!!!

  12. Sometimes it pays to be quiet and unobtrusive! So glad you found such a nice spot to view the comet.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Your pictures are nothing short of amazing and spectacular! I'm in Tennessee, and I'm hoping I'll get a photo worthy glimpse of it here. At home, because of the trees, we're getting a birds eye view of it, but it's still been worth it to be out with the bugs to see it!

  14. That looks like a beautiful painting.


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