Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Voice of a Bobcat

My trail cams have heard a lot of mountain lion caterwauling over the past year. In contrast, our bobcats have been mute. That recently changed.

Starting around mid-June, a bobcat first let out a "meow" in front of a cam. She sounded just like a house cat. Then, later that night in June, that bobcat started calling in earnest. She yelled and yelled.

She was still calling in mid-July much to my surprise.

I first thought that perhaps she had lost her kittens and was trying to call them. This is the time of year when this particular bobcat usually brings her kittens out onto the trail to move them to a new den, and I've had no kitten sightings. I tend to doubt that she'd continue calling over three weeks if it was mis-placed kittens.

Another thought is that she's in estrus. That would be unusual - bobcat estrus is usually in February or so here. Over the many years that I've had trail cams, I've never seen a bobcat looking for a mate in mid-July. However, the literature says that it's possible.

I hope that the reason becomes clear from trail cam footage. Maybe she'll be kind enough to bring her mate to show to one of my cams!

Check out the short video if you have time!


  1. wow .... da nelly was on alert... he still looks for the cat in our house now :O)

  2. She sure does have a lot to say! Love those eartips.

  3. It almost sounds more like bark can I call. That said she sure is noisy. I hope she finds whatever it is she's looking for. I agree with Molly that are tips are beautiful

  4. I had it turned up and my cat Saku came to see what was going on. :) She's a noisy little critter, isn't she?

  5. We hope she finds a mate soon if that's what she is calling for. Paws crossed that she brings her mate by for a viewing on one of your cameras too.

  6. Ohhh you are woman I hear you roar!! Such a beautiful kitty
    Hugs cecilia

  7. Maybe she's just ordering take-out dinner.

  8. Isn't that a funny noise she makes! We hope you figure out what's going on with her!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. boy that brought Matt to the computer fast.

  10. She is a persistent lady, isn't she? We have to agree that she sounds more like a dog than a cat to us too.

  11. Whoa...she does seem to have a lot to say!


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