Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is always up for a micro-adventure. One morning this week, I invited him outside in the morning - before my bike ride with Shyla. R was thrilled to do it although Shyla almost had apoplexy over her time being pushed later.

The flowers in the meadow have faded but some in the shade near our house are still going wild. R and I checked them out, and he seemed utterly content to relax next to them.
CBD oil is continuing to work its magic. I think that the reduction in pain has brought a lightness to R that hasn't been there in a while.

Even though his eye cannot see, it can still sparkle with happiness. I most often see that sparkle when I get home after being out. He perks up, "looks" right at me, and then we talk about how our days are going. His days seem joyful. He's naturally such a happy guy.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari Om
    R does look very bright and content in this shot... blessings to be held! YAM xx

  2. Your black dog is heart-melting Lee Beautiful. I know he loves to hear you talk to him

  3. Micro-adventures are the best! Yay R!

    Chris from Boise

  4. It's good to hear R is doing so well. He sure looks happy in that picture.

  5. R is just so darn handsome and we're so glad the CBD oil is helping.

  6. It's good to hear the CBD oil is working, I've heard good things about for human use and it makes sense it would work with animals as well. Have a great day!

  7. KB
    R is so content looking!! I think he might even be purring a bit. BOL
    Thank goodness CBD working a miracle....
    Hugs cecilia

  8. Your being so happy makes us smile, R☺ Happy Sunday!

  9. So glad to hear the CBD is helping your regal boy.

  10. R, you are the winner in the Black Dog Stakes, and look so handsome there. Good to know you have less pain, if you could talk, what would you say? Life is Good, for sure, snd to be outside with KB, sit by those flowers and to smell the air, what joy.

  11. Dear Black Dog. We're so pleased he was able to enjoy another micro-adventure.

  12. He obviously adores you when his happy spirit shines through his face like that. How wonderful :)

  13. Many dogs with two good eyes don't sparkle with happiness. R is in the right home.

  14. That special time with R must have meant a lot to him, and we are sure that sweet Shyla understood deep inside that R needed that. He is still a very handsome boy.

    Happy Sunday.

  15. Oh, this warms my cockles! You are one handsome ManDog R!!!!
    Shyla, I gets it ☺ BOL
    You guys have a FABulous evening my furiends!
    Ruby ♥


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