Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi loves to run more than anything. He has the exuberance of the young dog who he is. Combining running with playing with his sister makes him so happy.

I think that our move to a much bigger plot of land will make the most difference to Hachi. We'll be able to take him and Shyla for off-leash walks every day through peaceful meadows and forest. Hachi will be able to run in circles around us as much as he wants to.
I think that being able to play with Shyla outdoors every day will make Hachi an even happier dog. I've come to strongly believe in the power of play for dogs with serious fears. Since we humans started playing with him daily, he has become so much more light-hearted than he ever was before. He wakes up playful, "ambushing" us to ask for play first thing in the morning. Just recently, he's started doing the same thing around mid-afternoon. It's incredible to feel the change in him.

Happy Hachi Day.


  1. Few things fill my heart with more joy than than watching a dog run happily.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. You look so incredibly happy racing past us, Hachi!

  3. So happy for the Zoomies that you're getting to run and for the future Zumiez that you can do without people to bother you

  4. It sounds like Hachi is doing so well. We hope the move won't be too upsetting for any of your pups.

  5. Nothing like combining play and zoomies to make a dog happy.

  6. I think this move will be good for you humans and fur people alike! I'm so happy for you. XOXO

  7. This are looking up for Hachi. That's wonderful. I sure enjoy seeing your pups.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to your babies. ♥

  8. The new home with a larger area of safe land will be so good for you all. Hachi loves that outdoor play, and once settled will have so much more of that fun in safety and peace.

  9. When the physical play slowed down and was more intermittent, this was when I started using mental exercise games, especially with Brut. It was always so amazing how he opened up to me and was such a willing participant. Our bond grew even deeper with this one-on-one play. This in turn helped him to turn to me when he started to get aggressive with one of the other dogs. It really helped with Brut to think before acting by turning to me for help. It was amazing!

    So I can imagine how much Hachi is benefiting from it such play. I hear it in your voice and in his pictures. This is wonderful news KB. It will help with the transition when you move. I'm so excited for you and Hachi and the gang. Keep on keeping on!

  10. Look at Hachi run like the wind...
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Timber loves to run too, just for the sake of running. He would do well with Hachi. Of course, Misty loves to run too, but not right now:)

  12. Yes, wishing a very happy Hachi day.

  13. I'm so happy for him and for you too. You take so much time with your dogs and give so much love, it seems they will just have to pick up on it, those that come to you full of fear.

  14. Oh, that is gonna be pawsome Hachi! Just thinkie, you and Shyla and total freedom to do zoomies to your hearts content....ahhhh
    Ruby ♥

  15. Playing is such a great thing and he can let his guard down. I would guess the move will set him back a bit because everything will be new, but he will adjust.

  16. Your Hachi reports are terrific, KB. Could you film a play session sometime so we can see?

    Chris from Boise

  17. He's doing so well now, and just think how much more progress he will make when he has even more space to run and play at your new place!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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