Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A bear has fun in the tub!

A bear visited the local bathtub on a hot day.

And he definitely knows how to have fun in the tub! Enjoy the video!


  1. What a cute video. He seemed to be interested in eating the vegetation more than bathing.

    1. Yes, he does seem to like the vegetation but I also think he was loving the cool water (legs kicking up etc looked playful to me!).

  2. He's adorable and sort of made me understand how they became Teddy bears. It was interesting to see how he took his time, munched on the greens, got out then decided to get in again. I wonder what made him take off so fast. Was he just done or did something disturb him?

  3. That's one happy bear. Adorable.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. rub a dub dub there is a bear in the tub....all he needs are some bubbles.
    HUGS Cecilia

  5. Thanks so much for brightening the day...what a cutie!!

  6. How fun!!! All he needed was a rubber ducky:) We bet he thought he had a lot of privacy with all that tall grass. Little did he know about KB and her secret cameras:)

  7. How fun! Bear zoomies AND bear Pilates!

    Chris from Boise

  8. He has a beautiful coat of hair. Maybe it's from the mud baths!

  9. OMD, he looks like Ma in the bath! BOL! He sure is adorables!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  10. It's so fun to see a big wild animal like that just being silly and having fun!


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