Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Our Tuesday included a trip to the emergency vet for Shyla due to relentless vomiting. We discovered that she ingested some bone shards probably from an old carcass in the forest (she occasionally sneaks off to these for brief chews during our bike rides). The short story is that the vet thinks that they will pass through her. She seems much better now after the vet gave her some meds to calm her tummy.


  1. Paws crossed everything settles down soon for Shyla. Bertie has an occasional tendency to gorge on a carcass before I spot what he's up too. If a dog has freedom, these mishaps will take place from time to time.

  2. So sorry that precious shallow is sick and I do hope they pass through and that all is well by today hugs to the Sweet pup

  3. Ouch! Shyla, those Lab genes can get you in trouble! Heal up quick.

    Chris from Boise

  4. We have our paws crossed that Shyla feels all better soon.

  5. I'm glad she feels better. Sometimes pups eat what they shouldn't. Mom to the rescue.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Sometimes if the vomiting is not too bad and I am not worried (thinking we might need to go to the vet), I use slippery elm to calm the dogs stomachs. I put one capsule pulled apart in a little milk and they eagerly slurp it up. It has helped many times (something to put in your medicine bag of tricks.

  7. Oh no, poor girl. Hope she's back to racing alongside your morning rides soon.

  8. Oh Shyla my sweet girl. I'm so sorry for you and Mom and the Runner as I know everyone was scared

  9. pug paws crossed for Shyla
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. Poor girl. She just can't resist those bones can she? Hope she is feeling better soon.

  11. Instinct over mind maybe, hope that she recovers safely and all is well in your doggie world once again.

  12. I'm glad she got some quick attention and we're happy that all will be better soon. Hugs sweet Shyla.

  13. Oh no, poor Shyla. I hope she is better soon.

  14. We hope Shyla will be just fine very quickly. Please give her a kiss and hug from us.

  15. Sending my best wishes that Shyly will be feeling back to normal soon. Poor girl!

  16. Oh noes! That is not good at all...sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes! My guess is because it was 'raw' that the vet doesn't think it will do any harm to her insides. Lots of AireZens comin' your way and {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  17. Oh KB, that must have been a frightening experience for you - I'm glad Shyla is feeling better and I hope the vet is correct. Poor Shyla - sometimes they just don't know what's good (or bad) for them.

  18. Poor Shyla. Hopefully everything will pass through soon and she can feel great again.

  19. Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  20. Oh, poor Shyla, and how worrisome for you! Glad she is going to be OK. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. Dogs WILL be dogs. Glad all is working it's way out......hee. Good that it will be that simple.


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