Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

The amazing and incredible Black Dog is completely blind. But, he can still hold a treat on his nose, toss it in the air, and catch it. He almost never says, "I can't". He never gives up, and neither should any of us.

I need his inspiration today, as I just found out that a very well loved wildlife trail (loved by me and the bears) is being turned into a road. In fact, the bulldozers are already at work plowing down bear marking trees. I need our Black Dog's inspiration today to keep my chin up.

I hope that our Black Dog's inspiration can help you to smile today too.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Just heartbreaking into sad for words that they are making that trail into a road. Civilization taking away the habitat of the wildlife it just keeps on and on and on and what is it doing to our planet. At first I thought you had found the Hound of the Baskervilles and then I realized what your black dog was doing. He's amazing

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this; this pandemic has made me realize how important and precious the things we love are, and it's so heartbreaking to lose them. Thank goodness for the Black Dog :)

  3. The Black Dog always makes us smile but we are sad to hear of the road going in to mess up the bears territory.

  4. Humans are an awful species sometimes, like when they always have to develop (destroy) areas that wildlife need.

  5. Progress can be not so good so often. You are an inspiration to all of us, R!

  6. What a shame! We humans keep pushing the wild animals out of their habitats without any real thought of the impact on our world as well.
    R does make me smile, thank you for being who you are Black Dog!

  7. Sorry to hear about the road. Looks like you will be getting out of there just in time.

    Who can't smile with R around?? :)

  8. R you are an inspiration to all who know and love you.

    I am so sorry to hear about the trail. More loss of habitat...you and Runner picked the perfect time to relocate....hugs Cecilia

  9. Oh no, that is awful!! I'm so glad you have R to help you to deal with this sadness. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. That is very sad news indeed. I hope you'll soon be moving to a place where you can set the clock back, so to speak. I really think that's the best we can do, unless a person is Fabulously Wealthy and can buy an entire watershed and "stop" the clock ! A watershed is what I came up with once as the minimum for controlling the human impact on one's habitat for as long as possible :)

  11. That is such a shame about the road. We hope the bears can blaze a new trail safely. R is truly an inspiration - his spirit is amazing.

  12. I just love R! He is a beautiful soul. So sorry to hear about the road invading on nature's path. That is very sad and I can only imagine how upsetting it must be. Just one more reason to embrace the move to a new, and hopefully less populated, area.

  13. He is an inspiration to us all. Never let anything stop you for being the bet possible you.

  14. BLK Dog Lifts My Spirits Every Sunday - Its Something I Truly Look Forward To - And Your Ability To Capture His Personality Makes My Heart Smile - You Humans So Rock - Seriously, Thank You

    Go Team Human

  15. Oh noes! That is terrible news abouts the trail! OMD, how awful! Sounds like you guys made the right decision, huh? Wells, R will inspire us all to keeps our chin up and have joy in our hearts ♥
    Ruby ♥

  16. Phooey on the trail news. We hope your Black Dog buoys your spirits.


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