Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Happy Hachi! He was even happy this week during a morning photoshoot with me. It is rare that I have time with him alone in the morning - so it usually makes him nervous. He was a lot better this time.

We've also found some time when Hachi could play with his sister during our evening walks. They were overjoyed about it. 

Soon, that long stick broke, and Hachi's big sister got the long end of the stick. Experience prevails over youth!

I (not Hachi) have had a rough week for reasons unrelated to him. It has been fun to realize how much my playtime with Hachi helps *me*. We are both goofy and laughing - and I reach the end of it with a big smile on my face. So, I guess that it's therapy for both of us! 

I am planning to share a video of a play session soon. It will be fun to show you goofy Hachi. 

Have a great week!


  1. a gentle dog he took the short end of the stick LOL

  2. Hari OM
    What a fun guy he is showing signs of being! So glad you got your therapy too... YAM xx

  3. I love the 'broken stick' photo, and hope this week goes better for you.
    Best wishes, Gail.

  4. That second stick shot is so lovely!

    Here's hoping this week is better for you.

  5. Play time is always good for the soul and that means for yours and for theirs!

  6. That last picture has Hachi looking a bit disappointed that he didn't get the bigger piece. Our pets can often be the best medicine when we aren't feeling our best.

  7. There's something very 'pawsitive' about goofy times laughing with a dog. Hope it helps you all to cope.

  8. Our babies can indeed lessen our stress. They are like magic. It's good to see Hachi having such a great time.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I 100% agree with Sandee...I am positive the furries are better than any RX the doc could give us for bp or stress. I giggled Shyla with the big stick thought of drawing straws and she got the prize.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Our furkids can really make us forget our problems at times and make us smile. Run, Shyla! Hachi will be after you in a flash☺

  11. Such a happy Hachi face. I'm sorry your week is so rough. Hugs from all of us.

  12. Our beloved dogs have a way of helping us so much, don't they? Hope it is a happy week for all.

  13. Nothing better than playing and having the stick break! The young ones learn, but don't mind losing either.

  14. Glad that Hachi is able to return the favor. Take care and stay well!

  15. Oh, I loves to see you two play and run and have lots of funs!
    So sorry your MOms is havin' a tough time...sendin' lots of AireZens her way!
    Ruby ♥

  16. It's always good to see Hachi happy, and I'm glad he helps you through tough times too. Hope things get better for you. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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