Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Mama moose nurses calf in a pond!

A Mama Moose has been traveling our neck of the woods with her very young calf. They are almost always close together with the calf right on his mom's heels.

The two of them have delighted me with their cute and funny behavior in front of my trail cams. One day recently, they waded into a pond, nibbled on bushes, drank some water, and then the calf started nursing. This was before the calf started nursing.

This will be the first of several videos of them. Enjoy!


  1. wow... is that common or was it a try to beat the heat? I would eat in the bathtub too this time ;O)

  2. Mama and baby moose seem very calm and content paddling in their pond.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just two sweet...That is a good mama moose video. The words are kinda messed up for me running down to the right of the first photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Aw, so precious. You live in heaven. You really do.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. That's not only precious, it's a super smart way to cool down!

  6. Wow! The things we get to see because of your trail cams. It just amazes me and I love seeing these animals in their natural habitat. Thanks!

  7. Whoa...the baby is a vigorous nurser! Very cool footage. Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a sweet video of that mom and baby moose.

  9. OMD, that is so sweet! I just loves what you catch on your trail cams!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Such a peaceful picture of love.

  11. Mom moose and her baby are very smart to hang out in the water to stay cool. Love those SuperLong legs!

  12. A multitasking mama moose:) - Enjoying a cool bath while feeding the youngster - so cute.

  13. Baby: This water isn't as good as my Mama's milk.
    Mama: Damn, I thought I got her weaned onto grass and water.

  14. Sweet! I was happy to hear that the moose are doing better around here this year, due to a thankfully lower tick population.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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