Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 28, 2020

Feline Friday - A Surprising Bobcat

I've had a trail cam at a pond for spring and summer. Much to my surprise, not many animals have visited it despite the drought and heat. I think that the reason is that the human presence has grown a lot this year. But, finally, a bobcat visited it early one morning.

What does a bobcat do by a pond? First, she ate some grass (and you all educated me to know that this is normal for a cat so I wasn't too surprised). Next, she hunted dragonflies. And, here's the surprising one - she voluntarily went into the water. A cat!!!!! Whoa! After getting wet, she walked out on a downed tree to survey the water.

It was so much fun to watch her go about her business by the pond. This is the kind of view that only a trail cam can give you.

Enjoy the video!


P.S. We are going into another period when my posting and online presence may be spotty. I'll be back!


  1. Fascinating to see the bobcat balancing on the tree stumps. She seems to have decided that going in the water wasn't such a great idea after all!

  2. wow... and it even was totally inside... not only with da feet like two pups here weould do LOL

  3. I have seen one stray almost wild cat go into the stream at our other home, and swim to the other side, totally scared by the noise from one of Hugh's woodwork machines. This is a wonderful video, swiping the dragonflies, then such a tentative foot to test the water. A beautiful tail wagging all the time, this is a beat one, thanks so much for sharing.

  4. What a fun video to watch! Love those ear tips!

  5. Great video! I love seeing the cats.

    Take care and stay well!

  6. What a fun video. It doesn't seem like that cat enjoyed its time in the water. We wonder what it was trying to do when it ventured out on the downed trees.

  7. I'm thinking maybe she is looking at something in the water that she wants to eat maybe a small fish or a bug or even a dragonfly that fell in the water. It's amazing to see her standing in the water and having fun and her outdoor home just like a house cat and a human home. Will miss you see you when you get back or get done with whatever you're doing I assume it has something to do with the move

  8. What a great video. That's one smart cat too. Worked that tree like a pro.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. WOW...excellent KB and thank you. Good luck with your ventures while off line
    Sending hugs Cecilia

  10. Those big cats are really something too see. See you soon, ya getting ready to move?

  11. I've heard they will hunt fish, perhaps it was looking for frogs? Loved the always twitching tail. Very cool footage. Have a great weekend.

  12. Smart bobcat! Fun to watch how she/he figured out where to go or not to go! Have a lovely weekend!

  13. How fun to see!!! It looked like the cat was testing to see if he could touch the ground through the water. He wasn't taking any chances on testing his swimming skills:)

  14. Loved your video, the bobcat is gorgeous. Take care and stay safe, Mxx

  15. I think cats like baths but pretend they don't just to be ornery.

  16. I loved watching her. She reminds me of my angel cats!

  17. What fun to watch a wild cat doing the same things that domestic cats do (other than getting wet, even though there are some domestic cats that do enjoy water)!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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