Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

R arrived in our family shortly before Christmas of 2007. For most puppies, having Christmas celebrations within a week of arriving at their new home would be overwhelming. For R, it seemed to be nirvana. From Day One, he loved people. He wanted to meet everyone and shower them with puppy kisses. As a tiny puppy, that outlook meant that he did truly meet everyone who crossed his path. They could not resist his playful and friendly demeanor.

Samson, R, and K


Over the year before R arrived, we'd been dog sitting my sibling's yellow Lab, Samson (left in photo), sometimes for long periods. His family had two toddlers and lived in the city. They were overwhelmed with family life, and were always short of time for taking care of everyone. We'd have Samson stay with us to give them a break, and we loved him dearly.

K adored having Samson stay with us. She was really sad about having no siblings - and seemed to develop fears without an older dog to guide her. So, a few months before R arrived, we officially adopted Samson. He was about 13 years old in the photo.

In contrast, R was about 2.5 months old. Perhaps you can see by the look on his face, that he was not going to "stay" for any more photos after this one. Just after this frame, he leaped off the walkway to do one of his frolicking sprints on the driveway.

R rocked our world when he arrived. His love of *absolutely everything* made him a pure joy but also a whirling dervish of puppy energy. He'd bite Samson's ankles and leap onto K's head, and then he'd sprint a few laps around the inside of the house. His frantic energy was hilarious.

Eventually, he'd fall deeply asleep in the Runner's or my arms. We'd breath in his puppy breath, and we'd know that he was ours forever. And he is, even now. I can feel him nearby.


  1. Reading this, we can almost smell R's sweet contented puppy breath.

  2. this picutre just melts my heart and even through tears they make me happy..

  3. Such a wonderful story on how many of your pups came to be.

  4. Such a sweet, sweet photo and loving story.

  5. KB I know exactly what you mean about your Black Dog, R and feeling his presence now. He lived his life 100% to the fullest...never ever missing opportunities..to meet, greet and give kisses. We can learn from R.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We just love this story and the wonderful photo!

  7. I am so glad you were able to give Sampson the attention he deserves. R. Was so cute!

  8. The story of R and his time with his fursibs is just wonderful. I'll admit to a few tears reading this.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. sometimes I am speechless. XO

  10. Another beautiful chapter of your boy, who is indeed, nearby and lives on.

  11. Such sweet memories of R. He sure was one of a kind.

  12. Thank you for sharing. What a sweet, sweet story.

  13. What a beautiful story. R was special from day one in your home! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. R is so adorable in this photo, even more so than in every other photo you have ever shared of him.

  15. It's nice to meet your other precious fur babies while reading the story of R.

  16. We love that you are sharing R's early years - it is so good to see him as a little guy. You give us puppy fever:)

  17. I miss him and I'm so glad you are doing this every Sunday. Thank you so much. The picture is so sweet.

  18. I love the pictures of him as a puppy. He was surely a special dog

  19. I love these Sunday memories. Glad to hear about his puppy self.

  20. OMD, I LOVES these photos and puppy stories!!!! Keep em' comin'! and yes, Ma says she can totally tell that puppy bouncies were comin' from R in this pic! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Such an adorable looking puppy. With that face, it was pure destiny he'd stay a big part of your heart.


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