Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 31, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi and Shyla absolutely adore our new place. They get multiple romps per day, and their play is hilarious. 

They run circles around us. Chase is the game of the day.

When they catch up to each other, playful wrestling ensues.

I am beginning to think that this place may heal Hachi's heart.

He is so happy when playing in the meadows with his sister. This may be the happiest that we've ever seen him.


  1. oh we would jump with joy if that is THE place for your hachi and for you... and we bet you are right, that is THE place, YAY!

  2. OMD, he looks SO happy! You've found his heart home. <3

  3. That's great news! We can sure tell that Hachi and Shyla have fun together.

  4. The two of you do look incredibly happy playing together, Hachi!

  5. Good move for you and a better move for the pups. I think it's wonderful.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Oh yea, we see lots of happy going on!

  7. That's wonderful! The joy they exude is so evident in the photos.

    Take care and stay well!

  8. I can feel their JOY! so happy for all of you

  9. Hachi was born to be a free spirit...and Shyla is a perfect playmate.
    Love these photos
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Seeing Hachi happily thriving in his new home will be the best tonic for aching hearts.

  11. This must help Shyla too. What a joy it is to see them running free, playing together so full of life and fun. I hope seeing them so happy at your new place will help heal the sorrow in your heart after losing R.

  12. I'm so glad. maybe Hachi will find a whole new life awaits him. xo

  13. What wonderful news!!!!! Love that last picture, it says so much!

  14. I am so happy for the duo - wish I had some of their energy!

  15. Awwww, this report makes us so very happy for you!!!

  16. This move at this time seems like destiny.

  17. It may be the fresh start that everyone needs right now. So glad he is having such a good time.

  18. It's so great to see both of them having so much fun!! I hope your new place turns out to be exactly what you all needed. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Thrilled to hear Hachi is enjoying his new home and meadow. Hope you guys are well on your way to being fully settled in the new digs.

  20. Wonderful portraits :)
    Although moving is such a challenging and exhausting process, I find myself envying you a bit, KB - though only in the nicest way.
    A new vista opening up. Literally!


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