Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Bears of our Valley

From the first day at our new place, we saw bears! On the first two days, we saw a sow and her two cubs. We saw them in the evening on the slopes above the creek that runs through our land.

They were eating chokecherries. There are acres and acres of chokecherries hanging from bushes right now. The bears are in their most intense phase of trying to gain weight so they eat about 20 hours per day. It seems that our chokecherries are a delicacy to them.

 I've had cams up at our new place for only about a week yet they already have recorded lots of bears. The closest cam is about 20 yards from our house, positioned to video animals who cross the bridge over the creek. Here are Hachi and Shyla crossing the bridge.

And, in broad daylight, here are a pair of cubs.

I've made a short video of the bears of our valley over the past week. Check it out if you have time! As you can perhaps imagine, I am incredibly glad to share this habitat with the bears.


  1. Hari Om
    &*> I love how the cubs kept checking that mum was following! What an exciting early insight to Lab Valley!!! YAM xx

  2. Blimey, I cannot think of another word to describe that feeling when I sAw them run over the bridge and play. I hope that your new home will give some wonderful moments like this many times over and over again. Awesome,ditto to that.!!

  3. the used the same way like your pups... I had to scroll back, thought my eyes play tricks LOL

  4. How nice that you have a bear family to watch at your new home already. Those cubs are so cute.

  5. The video is so wonderful! Are you close enough to your other home that you will see familiar bears or are all of these bears new to you?

  6. As I watch those precious brown and black baby bears walk across that bridge in total amazement I must say, I thought oh good she found another set that she can call Blackie and brownie. I can't believe that bears use man-made roads across the bridge. The way you set up the video it looks like the Bears went across the bridge right behind the dogs that is how they create fake news haha. I love it and so glad you're happy with where you've moved and that both dogs are happy to. Looking forward to many more happy moments on the trail cams

  7. What a perfect place for you to have found a house! Looks like you have landed in bear country. I know that I and all your followers will be looking forward to so many wonderful nature videos. And then the dogs, so many new places for them to explore and enjoy.

  8. That really is terrific and the bears said hey, it's showtime!

  9. Awesome video! How close is the creek to the house? I'd be worried about the bears being too close, yikes!

  10. I love the pups on the planks and then the bears. Well done.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. How many acres do you have if you don't mind me asking?

  12. So incredible KB! Thank you for sharing. I heard that the Aspens are turning early this year, guess we’ll be in for a harsh winter.

  13. Double WOW that is a well traveled bridge. What wonderful captures and video
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS I had a good giggle at the comment you left on my blog yesterday...I feel the same way.

  14. What wonderful footage and what a beautiful area, I can't wait to see all the "new views" of your local wildlife!

  15. Those bear cups are so fun. Thanks for posting.

  16. That was so enjoyable. We love how the two cubs bounded over the bridge just like your pups, but Mom was a lot more relaxed in crossing over. We hope you are able to get more footage of this family and more. Time for some names for the new bears too:)

  17. They are cute. I wish you look. It looks like you are moving into the Time Squares for bears.

  18. OMD, that was so FABulous!!! You are gonna gets some great stuffs with that bridge camera! I just loves the cubs lookin' back for Moms! so adorables!
    Ruby ♥

  19. We love seeing the bears, especially the cubs. They are so fun!

  20. You have Browning cameras?? Do you mind if I ask which ones you have?

    1. Yes, I have a few. I like them for their fast trigger. When getting to know a new place, that can be really helpful. I wish, though, that the nighttime videos could be longer than 20 sec. The model is "Browning Recon Force Edge HD". Here's a link to them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088MMZSN7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  21. Your new place is going to be so awesome!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  22. I laughed when the brown cub was patting the black cub - "Move along! Move along now!"
    KB, late last night I did a watercolor sketch based on your chokecherry image - hope you don't mind? I was going to post it today but then thought I'd better ask first.


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