Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Our Black Dog

 Our Black Dog died unexpectedly of natural causes last evening at dinnertime. 

This sums up his loving and generous spirit as he welcomed young Shyla to our family.

Our hearts are broken.


  1. oh no... our hearts are with yours...and our tears are running....we will love you furever dear R

  2. Our hearts are broken. Hugs to you and the Runner and to Shyla and Hachi♥ We are so very sorry.

  3. Hugs to you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain in your hearts.

  4. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  5. The day we have all dreaded has come. Thinking of you both as you deal with losing your beautiful R. Tears from NZ . We will all miss him and his lovely friendly personality.

  6. No words can ease your pain, but your memories will give you some comfort and smiles in the future. Sending you prayers to heal your hearts. Godspeed R, you were a good boy.

  7. I’m so sorry about R’s passing and the unexpectedness if it. Know that he was very loved, admired, and appreciated for his love of life and gentle soul. Much love and support go out to you, the Runner, Shyla, and Hatchi during this unimaginable time.

  8. Oh KB. I am so sorry. Will be holding you and the Runner and Shyla and Hachi - and your beloved Black Dog - in my heart.

  9. KB and Runner my heart breaks for you. I am so very very sorry to read of your handsome R's unexpected passing. My word not at all what I expected to read when I came over for my daily reading and viewing here.
    My deepest condolences.
    So many hugs and love coming from NC to CO

    1. KB I just went back to Black Dog Sunday last week...what an stunning photo you capture of R...as you wrote he was an inspiration never a moment he was not happy and full of love. You and Runner gave him such an incredible life as a puppy, a teenager and a Senior.
      Love Cecilia

  10. R sure was a very special boy. We loved knowing him from afar and can only imagine how difficult this loss is for all of you. Our paws are crossed and we are sending warm hugs to all your family.

  11. Oh dear, we are all so very sad and shocked to hear about dear R this morning. Like so many others, we loved that dear boy from afar too. We can't imagine the hurt and the pain. Since there's really no words, we'll just leave you with our love and lots of virtual hugs. Run free dear R, you made the world smile with your courage and love.

  12. KB my heart is breaking with yours. he fought such a valiant fight through all his issues. I loved him and I love all of you, hugs and prayers. i have cried for 3 days for my black dog and now i am crying for yours.

  13. Our hearts are broken right along with you. But as R would have wanted it, he did it on his terms. He was SO loved and gave that love back SO much. We loved that dear boy from afar and felt as if we knew him like one of our own. We will all miss him and send our deepest sympathy to you and the Runner. We will hold him deep in our hearts forever.

  14. R was such a special pup and will be remembered for a very long time. He died knowing how very loved he was, and that's all a pup can ask for!

  15. Oh my god, I am so shocked and saddened to read this. My heart breaks for you too. I hope you can take some solace in the fact that he was so happy and full of spirit recently! He made the best of everything. Big hugs and love to your whole family. ♥♥♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. We will miss Black dog. He brought such joy to our lives also.

  17. I am so sorry. He had a wonderful life with you. That won't make missing him any easier.

    So much love, so many virtual hugs. I'll miss reading about him too. Peace to you all.

  18. I have my own tears this morning because I truly feel like I've lost one of my own dogs. I know that grief like this is deep, personal and individual, but R's loss is being shared by many like me, who loved him because you shared him with all of us. There's a well known saying... 'Death is never sad, if the gift of life has been well used'. There is no doubt whatsoever, that your Black Dogs life was one of fun, adventure, and he was loved and treasured, and 'well used' but I'm still very, very sad...

    God speed to your most handsome Black Dog. I've lit our candle today in his remembrance, and to help him find his way to the Rainbow Bridge, where he will wait for you with your other treasures that have gone before him. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Kim, your beautiful words speak for all of us. Thank you for putting our feelings in words.

  19. So sad and traumatic to lose a beloved dog so suddenly.
    Sending love and healing hugs,
    Gail and Bertie.

  20. I have just recently met your Black Dog and his family. But I have felt and seen all the love in your family. So sorry for your loss.

  21. I have no words. my hero. my teacher. my Black Dog Love is gone.
    but will never ever be forgotten.
    my breaking heart to yours. XO

  22. Oh no, I'm so sorry. Black Dog was special to so many of us, through your posts and photos. Sending virtual hugs.

  23. Beauty and magic do not die, R was both.

  24. How shocking and heartbreaking. Hoping you will look back at how happy your black dog was the last few months and have some consolation from that.

  25. Oh no...I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please know this community stands by you as you deal with this unthinkable loss and I hope all the beautiful memories you shared with your sweet boy provide a certain measure of comfort. 💔

  26. Oh no, I'm so very sorry.

    Big healing hugs. ♥

  27. If I could be reincarnated as anything in my next life, it would be as a dog in your family. You give your boys such loving understanding and sheer fun, every single day. I have loved reading about Black Dog and his brave and joyous adjustments to his new circumstances. He had a wonderful life, though it ended much too soon for us. We all share in your grief.

  28. That is a wonderful Scooby Doo impression. Our best.

  29. The most love ever for R, the Black Dog that gave his utmost every day.Sharing the hugest loss, sending the hugest love and caring thoughts, He lived life to the fullest, XXXXXXX

  30. We saw this on Facebook and our hearts break for you. No matter what the cause, sudden death is the most difficult because you never get to say the good bye you would like to have said, do those last things together, give one last hug. We are thinking of you and sending GBGV hugs your way.

  31. I am so sorry and hugging all of you.

  32. Oh my, I am so sorry. This is not a good week - my girlfriend's dog passed yesterday. Sending you all hugs. My heart is heavy.

  33. I am so sorry for your loss. He is now running free and seeing the beautiful sights.

  34. Words can never express the sorrow of this type of loss. Sending love and light to you and your pack.

  35. R was never slighted in the least for love. He lived life to the fullest.

    We are saddened by your loss. (((HUGS)))

  36. I am so sorry to read this - R's spirit spoke through the many lovely pictures you have shared; he was truly special.

    Peace to all of you.

    --Jean Marie

  37. We are so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved Black Dog ! He certainly knew and gave love and will never truly be gone from your side !

  38. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you both very big hugz, Mxx

  39. I'm so sorry. Like the rest of us, I loved that pup.

    1. And thank you so much for sharing him with us, he touched our hearts and lifted our spirits.

  40. Hari OM
    KB, I am late here due to travelling... and my heart aches for you at this news. Yet I can't help but think what a joyous last few months he has had with your tender loving care and that his spirit will surely run with you and his fur-sibs furever... As said above, I feel priveleged to have known him through you. Sending Love and ether hugs. YAM xx

  41. My heart breaks for you from Gilpin County. I love your blog and feel like I know all of your pups. We just lost our "Black Dog" Otis at the end of May. I'm still not the same so I get what you are going through. Take care...he will be missed.

  42. I am stunned. So very sorry, hugs and tears to all of you.

  43. I was deeply saddened to read this. Run free sweet R. Hugs to the rest of the pack.

  44. This is such shocking and heartbreaking news today. There just aren't any words to express how deeply sorry I am to hear about sweet R. Run young and free once again at the Bridge.

  45. This is so very, very sad and I'm so sorry for your loss. I had come to really love him, his spirit is so strong. He was so kind, so giving of his love in taking care of Shyla and being your best friend. This is heartbreaking. I'm sending lots of love to you. I'm so sorry.

  46. There are no words that will ease your pain but know that many are sending you virtual hugs and love. So, so sorry to read this today, but oh my, what a wonderful life he had with you and the gang. No dog could ask for a better home than yours.

  47. Too soon, too soon. So very sorry for your loss.

  48. Oh my God. He was a true warrior. I never thought he could be kept down. He will always be running by your side.

  49. Oh no, such heartbreaking news. R was such a special dog and lived the most wonderful life with you and the Runner. Sending you so much love and hugs
    Mabel, Hilda and Mom

  50. Ah, KB, this is heartbreaking news. R will be an exemplar of joy and courage always. Thank you for sharing him with so many of us, and know that we are standing with you and the Runner as you deal with this blow.

    Chris from Boise

  51. Oh noes!!!! I can't believes it. I am so sorry. I knows your hearts are broken, butts you gave R the bestest life any doggie could ever want or need. He was a true leader and teacher of patience and love to both Shyla and Hachi. They are the pawsome doggies they are, thanks partly to R's guidance.
    Knows we are all thinkin' of you, and sendin' lots of love and kisses and AireZens. {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥♥

  52. So sorry of the loss of your beloved R. Fly free beautiful Soul💗
    Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞

  53. Oh KB, such heartbreaking news. I am truly sorry for your loss, and the loss that Shyla must be feeling as her soul mate is no longer near for snuggles in sun puddles and emotional support. I know that this loss will send you all into a tailspin, but at least you do have so many fabulous memories of such a grand dog with the most amazingly happy outlook on life. My heart goes out to you...

  54. Oh, noooooooo :( I just saw this and immediately begin bawling like a baby. I loved R so much, and I know what he meant to y'all. I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. No more words, just wishing you peace and strength. Godspeed, dear R; you were much-loved and will always be remembered...

  55. I'm so sorry to read about R's passing. Hugs to you all.

  56. oh, what sad news! i am so very sorry. may your beautiful black dog run free with all his friends.

  57. KB I am sitting here with tears falling down my face. I am so grateful for your blog and for the wonderful stories and the life of R, the best black labbie I have ever known. Indy and I are so sad to see this news. I knew one day I would read this here but still, it hits us all in the gut, and in our hearts with deep pain. Praying for you all today.

    Diane and Indy "Bones" Taylor


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