Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 14, 2020

A Beautiful Young Mountain Lion

Thank you all so much for your kind words and insights. I am simply empty. No energy and no spark. I miss our Black Dog terribly. But, if he had to go (and we all do), I'm glad that he didn't suffer, at least not for long. For us, it was devastating - it felt as if he was here one moment and gone the next.

I'm not one to sit still so I distracted myself by checking a trail cam yesterday. It had a delightful little clip of a young mountain lion. I'm not sure how young he is but I was surprised not to see a mother nearby.

The hard part is that this clip from a wildlife trail that is currently being bulldozed into a road. I've called and emailed so many people in government to ask them to preserve at least some of it. But, "human progress" trumps wildlife needs, at least that's my interpretation of the total lack of interest.

So, we are getting down to the end of seeing the wonderful wildlife activity there. In particular, the bears will suffer. This is where many of the bear marking trees are. The trees that have been marked by bears for decades are being plowed down and tossed off the cliff. Progress.

Sorry for the negativity. The beautiful animal should help offset that. The video is very short. Enjoy.


  1. Thank you for showing us the beauty of the mountain lion. How tragic that the trail will be bulldozed.
    Sending more healing hugs on what we know is a difficult time for you.
    Gail and Bertie xxx.

  2. hugs to you... a part of us is missing and we feel incomplete.... ;O(

  3. Hari OM
    Expansion. Not progress... to progress, there would be expansion without loss. I am so sorry to read that this will be lost. Thank you for the lovely footage. YAM xx

  4. We can only wonder what the bears are thinking. Sending lots of hugs to you and your family, KB♥

  5. What a beautiful lion. It's sad that this area will be lost for the animals that are so familiar with it. We are keeping our paws crossed and sending love to all your family.

  6. I do things like this it is not civilization to me it is stealing the habitat once again and soon there will be no habitats and we'll all be living like we live right here house after house after house after house and 87 million cars to ruin our climate. It makes me very sad and also angry that there are still continuing to do this. Destroying our planet. Half round lion is really beautiful. Hugs and lots of love coming your way to all of you missing

  7. We love seeing those beautiful kitties. Hugs, hugs and more hugs from all of us too, we do understand, it's so darn difficult.

  8. I know the next while will be difficult, but I'm certain that the wonderful memories and the love you shared with R will sustain you. Shyla and Hachi will be there too.

    For a young cat he certainly looks healthy. It's unfortunate that we humans insist on destroying their habitat.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. The mountain lion is beautiful. That's a big feline.

    Big healing hugs to you. ♥

  10. KB what a beautiful feline...thank you for sharing
    I really and TRULY understand your emptiness and lack of spark...when you lose your muse it is hard...
    Sending love and hugs

  11. I wish we humans would make a little more progress toward preserving wilderness.
    Thanks for sharing him. He is lovely.

  12. Sadness upon sadness and no wonder you are feeling so down and negative. Try to keep busy, but let yourself feel all those feelings. The sudden losses are so tough...unfortunately I know that. It's ironic that kind of loss seems so much harder on us, and yet we know that it was the easiest way for our loved ones. We miss R too. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Your memories of R will always be with you, and so much of his life is with us too as you shared each day, adventure, surgery and rehab.The trail, I hope the animals will venture further and find a new safe trail far away, but where, when you move to your new home, will find them again. Hugs and love.XXX

  14. Progress has a strange meaning with too many officials. So sorry about the loss of your trail. Sending you love and light your way as you adapt to life without your beautifully sweet boy. 🥰

  15. Such a beautiful little guy..I can't even start on how humans just don't "get it".
    Sending hugs to you and the Runner!

  16. We are still trying to wrap our heads around R being gone:( Hugs to you.

    So sad to read about that bulldozer. Wildlife deserve better.

  17. What a beautiful animal ! Sad enough to lose your beloved dog, and now to lose this area and its animals too...

  18. And then the wildlife gets blamed for "encroaching" on human territory. I hope the bears are able to find a different area to inhabit and mark.

  19. What a lovely video. what a handsome big kitten. Thank you for 'speaking for the forest' - you are a force for good, even if it seems no one in officialdom listens/cares. Your actions matter (as do all of ours).

    So sorry about the emptiness. As you know, you have to walk with it until it transforms.

    Hugs -
    Chris from Boise

  20. You have been on my thoughts constantly since I read the news about your precious boy. Our candle remains lit for him.

    I'm sorry about the road that's going in. We're having a similar thing happen near our office. Seeing the trees laying on their side, that I once saw eagles perched in, just makes me so sad for all the life that I know has been destroyed. Like politics, I feel helpless.

  21. Wildlife will one day be all gone because humans keep invading their spaces. It is very sad. People complain about the wildlife in neighborhoods, but where else can they go?


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