Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Universe has Gone Dark

Fires are sweeping across the west. We are okay here in terms of actual flames. However, the smoke is darkening our sky even in mid-afternoon.
 By evening for the past few days, it is almost dark and ash falls from the sky.
It seems fitting, as if the world is in mourning.
But, we know that many living beings are in the path of the flames, and we are sending up our wishes that the fires finally slow down.


  1. Hari OM
    This year is not done with us... YAM xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Just yesterday morning I was telling a friend how I'd learned from experience not to plan a cycling tour in forested parts of the western USA in August! (That's after one planned tour in the Cascades was totally rerouted to east of the mountains due to wildfires, and one trip in Idaho/Montana completely abandoned for the same reason, both in the last five years).
    I do hope your forest fires do not spread and endanger humans or wildlife.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. Your Universe has weeping post matches my mood this morning. I have been weeping on the phone with my son Daniel because his beautiful big black dog has cancer and has to be put down today. She is so very sick. Nothing to be done. Are whole world seems to be falling apart fires and floods an earthquake's people and pets dying and the dreaded virus. Your sky does look like it's and I know that your heart is weeping too

    1. Sorry you and your son are going thru the saying goodbye to a family member (the dog).

  5. Oh KB your photos do seem to speak to the conditions of our world at present....
    Sending hugs

  6. Stay safe, good blogger buddy. I'm sending positive vibes to you and the pack.

  7. 2020 has become a four letter word it seems. Hugs from all of us, stay safe.

  8. The year from hell!!! We hope you continue to stay safe from the flames and are impacted too much by the smoke. Take care.

  9. We hate hearing about these fires. We wish they never had to happen.

  10. These sure are difficult times for many of us. You sure have an extra cloud hanging over your area. We hope the fires are put out soon and the dark skies can leave you soon.

  11. We're sending our best wishes for your continued safety. 💖

  12. Oh my, I hope the fires are under control and the rains come soon.

    Stay safe!

  13. It certainly seems appropriate, but we do hope everyone stays safe. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Your words and photos tell us so much. Maybe pack that bag with the necessities in case, I tried to Google how far away from you the main fire was, it seemed to be a fair way, but that smoke can travel for miles. Years ago we had smoke here from the huge fires in Australia, driven by a Westerly wind. Maybe the sky is grieving with you too. XXXX

  15. I took a picture like that last night from the Lake Hughes fire not too far from here. And, like you, I just can't stand thinking of all the animals dying horrible deaths. It's just too much, I can't stand this time of the year.

  16. I'm hoping for the same thing. I hope all in the fires path find safety.

  17. I wish I could think of something uplifting to write, KB. Please know I am thinking of you all, and all affected by wildfires.

  18. Very appropriate. We have to find joy and happiness where we can. I give thanks everyday for everything good I can think of. Yet sometimes, it is so very hard to stay positive.


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