Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thankful but Sad Thursday

I am both thankful and sad all at the same time. We found a place that instantly feels like home. We closed on it yesterday.

We took a hike there, and we saw seven gorgeous elk, including a calf. Here are four of them.

Hachi and Shyla zoomed and played. They splashed in the creek. They were so full of joy to have space to romp.

But, our Black Dog isn't here to start this new chapter with us. It's like a gut punch every time I realize it all over again.


  1. Hari OM
    R is going with you, just not in the flesh... and that place looks idyllic!!! YAM xx

  2. hugs to you... we understand what you felt that moment...

  3. I dearly wish R could have made it there. Could you perhaps scatter some of his ashes around your new home? That way you can always imagine that he is truly all around you...

  4. A bittersweet start to a new adventure.

  5. R will always be with you in spirit. Hugs♥

  6. He'll be there. Our angels are always with us as long as we remember them. <3

  7. I'm sure it is - I lost my sweet Shady within a week of buying this house (about 6 weeks before we moved). I'll never forget her, but there no memories of her here and that's the really sad part.

    Your new place looks wonderful, and I know there will be many memories made there with Hachi and Shyla. Take care and stay well.

  8. The new place looks absolutely heavenly, but we understand your sadness about R.

  9. No doubt you and the remaining pack will create wonderful memories on the new place. What a beautiful vista and the 4-legged neighbors...wish I had those instead of the 2-legged upright version. 🥰

  10. grief is like that. but knowing Black Dog he is smiling on you.
    and he is with you every step!
    as long as we have the memories... the spirit is always there.
    bless you ALL in your wonderful new home. xo

  11. I hope this is a wonderful place and that you find everything that you're looking for and I pray that you will find peace in your heart that the aching will go away from losing you're a beautiful black dog. From what I can see in the pictures that looks like you have found another piece of paradise hopefully where there are not any people are roads

  12. Such a wonderful place! R has a wonderful place in your hearts and he'll be there, you'll feel his presence time and time again.

  13. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Even from the aerial, your new place looks like paradise. And I believe your black dog's spirit will be with you wherever you go.

  15. R is in your heart so he will be with you always. I love your new place. Hachi looks so happy running.

  16. I know this feeling. R will always be in your heart so no matter where you go R will be there too.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups and congratulations on your new digs. ♥

  17. KB it is a beautiful location....our angels are always with us...just when I least expect it ...liked yesterday, 23 months since Madi became an angel...Bryan found about a tablespoon of litter in his hobby room chair kinda of stuck back in the cushion...for sure Madi took a catnap there. She was always intrigued with that room. So many smells. Instead of sand between her toes Madi had litter. Things like this let me know Madi is here.
    Sending hugs

  18. New memories, but the ones with R will always be with you, and his spirit will run with Shyla and Hachi in that open safe space, with snow on the tops, yes, he isn't with you for this new chapter in your lives, but in your heart always.

  19. What a beautiful new homestead..Sending love and hugs as you make this transition.

  20. You have a creek!!! I am so envious - it looks like paradise to me. Cannot wait to hear all about it! I totally understand your feelings about R, bittersweet for sure. Cyber hugs coming your way.
    PS How long is your driveway and are you responsible for plowing in the winter???

  21. Bittersweet for sure. But as others have said, R will always be with you, he overflows in your heart every minute. Hugs.

    The location looks fabulous - we picture as just what you would love!!!

  22. I totally get that. I hope this new home can help heal your heart just a little bit. It looks amazing. R will be there with you. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  23. The true meaning of bittersweet. Hugs to all.

  24. Try to keep looking forward, R is always ahead of you just over the rise.

  25. I still get very sad almost 2 years later when the girls get to do something new and I realize out of the blue that Emma never got to do that, or go there. Loss is so very hard, but for dogs we love so much, when it comes suddenly with no warning, it is almost unbearable. Your new place looks wonderful!

  26. I have to say, I'm in tears for so many reasons. Your post about moving forward without R really touched my heart. Move forward, he so enjoyed life, remember the joy.... I try every day to do that with my 2 little one's gone. I find it so hard. It's going on 2 & 3 years for me and I still grieve such hard losses. I'm so happy you are being strong. Send some strength my way.

    Your new home is absolutely stunning! Is it far from where you were? Are you still in close access to the places you love to hike?


  27. I agree with the others. He's still very much with you, and part of your story that has brought you to the new beautiful place you will call home. One thought that comes to mind, and please forgive me if it sounds too crazy -- But if you had R's remains or ashes returned to you, spread part of them around your new home. It's said that spreading ashes is a way to symbolize the cycle of life. It could be symbolic of your life continuing, and his being there with you. I've actually done it, and I personally find comfort in the thought that the dogs we've lost will always be a part of this place I call home, even after I'm gone. Just a crazy thought at the end of my day.

  28. It looks amazing. I am sure R's spirit will be in those fields.


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