Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wordless Wednesday


  1. so beautiful.... BIG hugs to you all....

  2. XXX on your Wednesday from down in NZ.

  3. When the first photo open my eyes filled with tears. I often feel like howling myself. Such beautiful memories

  4. Hari OM
    Ohhhh yeeeaaahhhhhhh!!! YAM xx

  5. R sure was an enthusiastic singer. What great memories.

  6. O MY! thank you. XOXO

  7. Aw, more big healing hugs.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. That's super special, but our whiskers did get a wee bit wet.

  9. I'm feel sad but I feel great. How can this be? So glad I met R.

  10. R and Shyla Rocky Mountain early morning duet....I bet they were singing the Lab version of Rocky Mountain High by John Denver.
    From experience I can tell you 100% showing photos and talking about the fun we had with our angels is the best therapy. Angel Madi is what got me started blogging and she was my muse. As the weeks and months passed I found another voice but there is always an Angel on my shoulder.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Aww, I can hear them in my mind. You know those voices will always stay in your heart.🥰

  12. I've never seen a dog put their head back that far when howling, only for a treat flying over their head, LOL. Too bad there isn't audio!

  13. Incredibly Well Captured - Yes, Continue Reminding Us Of BLK Dogs Moments In Time - Looking Forward To Those Puppy Photos - Such Wonderful Memories - Such A Special Boy - Sending Positive Vibes

    Big Hugs

  14. No words needed for me to tear up seeing your black dog again.

  15. Gorgeous, fun photos for good memories.


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