Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Panicked moose calf searches for mom

Our moose calf usually walks on her mother's heels - so close that it looks like she could accidentally get hit by a hoof. Then, one day in early August, the calf was wandering a bit, not sticking to her mom like glue. I don't know exactly how it happened by the calf lost track of her mother. Here she was as she started to search.

Pretty soon, slow-paced searching gave away to panic. The calf sprinted back and forth while emitting high pitched sounds.

Check out the video of this pair. No worries - it ends well.


  1. we are so happy for this happy end....

  2. How wonderful that your trail cam caught this touching scene. I love the way that the moose calf looks like she's trying to act cool when she finds mother, almost as if she saying "I wasn't panicking, no not at all!'

  3. I thought that was a big baby until Mama showed up and then we know how big mama is I am so glad it had a happy ending and it's like the little calf said oh there she is now let me eat a little. I love it

  4. Love a happy ending.
    I watched without sound because Piper is dozing on the bed with me and I don't want her to hear sounds of distress in her half-dream. I'll watch again another time with sound on.

    1. The sounds are not very loud. My pups didn't notice. But don't wake up sweet Piper.

  5. Poor thing, perhaps it learned a lesson and will stay close to mom from now on. Great video!

  6. I sure am glad that sweetie found Mama.

  7. We were panicked right along with the baby. We're so happy they found each other♥

  8. Oh my goodness I have seen this very scene play out at huge shopping malls.
    Curious kidlet sees something very interesting, mom's back is turned for a nano second...
    then bang the panic begins. Whew I hope the calf learned a lesson...but I expect it will happen again.
    Great footage
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I knew mom would find her little one. It's what moms do. Adorable video. Made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups and a big healing hug to you. ♥

  10. Aww, poor little thing. Glad mama and baby were reunited on camera.

  11. What a great video, something serious was going on, a lost baby, a calm mom, who no doubt knew she would find her baby calf. I was impressed by this mom.

  12. Incredible footage! Oh my goodness, that sweet little baby. I am so happy they were reunited and we got to see it. Thank you!

  13. The panic, the racing to look, the relief, and a snack to calm the unsettled tummy. What a grand size Mumma is, love the pair together.

  14. What an identifiable moment...when you can't find the one you love, but don't want to admit the fear when you eventually do find them! LOL


  15. KB that is the best footage and the cutest story I have ever seen. wow, National Geographic......stuff. seriously.

  16. I bet it made you want to go help her find her Mama. I know it did me!

  17. That little calf doesn't look like she learned her lesson very well - she still lingered sniffing at the leaves even after Mama found her and then started walking on:)

    The frantic running resembled some pups" zoomies in the yard here:)

  18. I'm so relieved that ended well!!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. We're glad to see that mom made it back and found her baby. That must have been scary for the little guy.

  20. Whew, I was stressed :( But the baby knew enough to stay in the area of where he last saw Mom, so that was smart!

  21. Hi there, Loved seeing the Moose and calf. I hope they are safe with all the fires up above you. What a weird year it's been.
    Stay well KB and Runner.

  22. You could almost hear the baby crying, “Mommy! Mommy!” Then when it sees her the babe is like, “Cool, I was just munching leaves. Not lost at all, nope, not me!”


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