Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi has been a bit subdued since R's death.  We managed to whisk him out of the room as the scene unfolded but he saw some of it, and he certainly knows that R is not here. Over the lives of our dogs, I've come to believe that some are not ready to witness the death of a sibling. Fortunately, so far, Hachi seems to be okay.

On R's last evening, he bumped into the outside of Hachi's ex pen when Hachi was in there. Hachi's reaction made us smile. He licked R's nose through the fence  and wagged his tail. That is a far cry from how he reacted even just months ago. Hachi's heart is healing, which seems to make him able to act lovingly toward all his family members, even if he's stressed out.

That being said, we are being really careful right now. The dynamics of the pack are in flux, and we want to be sure to keep the bond between Shyla and Hachi strong. For now, that simply means continuing to keep them separated indoors and looking for opportunities for them to play together outdoors.

We are closing on our new place this week, which doesn't mean that we're moving right away. However, it does mean that we can spend time there. With its wide open and private spaces, Hachi and Shyla should have lots more chances to play.  

Hachi's heart has grown so much that I feel as if he brings us mostly joy. That is how it should be.                                         


  1. hugs to you all... we love the last photos and we think about you and your R...

  2. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you and your pack, KB. Hugs♥

  3. Hari Om
    This is such postive news... but I also know that moving house plays its part in pet dynamics; my J's had to re-establish their bond and pack order again (though Jasper was a cat, they were a unit!). Your chances to play on the new territory will play a large part in keeping the balance. I shall be keeping you all on my POTP list for the duration of 'pack, shift and settle'! YAM xx

  4. I am so happy to read this good report of Hachi and also that you're closing on your home and that they can have Wide Open Spaces to roam.

  5. I'm glad that Hachi is doing okay. My Casey was laying next to us as my Cinderella died in my arms, and I think it helped him say goodbye. He never experienced the confusion or looking for the lost sibling that a lot of other dogs have. I like to think that Hachi maybe knew what was up and his cheerful last interaction with R was saying goodbye. Big hugs to you, Hachi, and Shyla!

    Andrea, Matilda's momma

  6. I'm glad Hachi is doing okay and I hope sweet Shyla is too. Hugs from all of us.

  7. We have always allowed our dogs to come say goodbye in their terms as we try to have our dogs die at home (either naturally or via the vet coming to the home). Then we keep their body overnight before being cremated and allow the others to say goodbye if they choose to. They still look for them afterwards and I am certain if the past dogs came into the room years afterwards, the dogs we have now would say "where have you been, I missed you so much."

  8. After my Sami passed, I was left with Sasha and Saku. I thought Sasha would have the most difficult time as he and Sami were bonded, but it was actually Saku who stressed out the most. It truly surprised me and made me realize that I can't take anything for granted with my fur babies.

    With your support and understanding, it's wonderful to hear how well Hachi is doing. I'm sure they will both love the new place!

  9. My heart felt so happy know that Hachi gave R a Kiss....
    Continued prayers and thoughts to you, Runner and the Sibs.
    Good luck on the closing. I'm excited to see the property once you are settled.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. How sweet that Hachi gave R a kiss. A good memory for you to treasure.

  11. Hachi sure has come a long way. It's nice to hear that one of his last interactions with R was a loving one. Paws crossed for all of you as you make more than one transition now.

  12. Good luck at the closing. And enjoy those moments of abandoned glee as your two pups run around on the new property.

  13. I'm happy that Hachi is doing okay. He's come a very long way and so have you. I'm sure R played a huge part in that.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  14. I imagine it will take a while for the pack to readjust, but it looks like so far so good.
    Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly this week with the new place.

  15. You need all of Hachi's joy right now. Who knows, perhaps Hachi and Shyla will become even closer especially inside.

  16. I haven’t looked at the blog in a few days. I am SO SORRY for your loss. R was a wonderful dog and will be well-remembered by many of us. I hope Hachi and Shyla adjust to their new pack dynamics smoothly.

  17. Maybe Hachi sensed what was coming and wanted to let R know that he really did like him a lot. We hope the bond between Hachi and Shyla continues to grow stronger. Good luck with the closing and all future moving activity.

  18. Dogs often know what is about to happen before we do. Perhaps he sensed it? It's always tough adding or taking away a pack member as the balance is upset.

  19. I'm so glad Hachi and R had that sweet exchange!!
    Over the years of my own experiences I've come to believe it's important for animals to know what happened when a family/pack/herd member has died. Not to witness the actual death, which I think is what you are referring to, but to see the body and have a chance to approach if they wish - which the cats, for example, always do. I've seen an immediate sense of resolution, for lack of a better term.
    On the other hand, when LeShodu, my herd matriarch, was euthanized last October, I assumed all the goats knew she was dead because they could all see the barn from the various paddocks, so I didn't open up the paddock gates and give them all access to the barn to "visit" the body - I now think this was a serious mistake. The herd did not have a short period of dominance-shifting with a single leader taking LeShodu's place, and by the time I realized (I was not in great shape myself after losing LeShodu) that the herd was in an ongoing state of flux, I had to split them into two groups just to make daily management possible. Live and learn.

  20. How sweet Hachi's last interaction with R was. When we lost our Lab mix, Maggie, our beagle Kobi was never the same again. He was still a content dog, but he lost his happy-go-lucky, and he never bonded with any of the new dogs like he had with Maggie. I don't know how much of his sister's death he witnessed, because I wasn't there, but I wonder now if that wasn't a factor in his devastation. But I still think it's more just that they were such best buddies.
    I hope Hachi and Shyla can grow even closer now. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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