Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Quite simply, I miss this dog. This is his September photograph that is on our calendar.

I thought that I couldn't write anything today. You see, it's been a rough week. I've been having trouble sleeping because of memories of the event of R's death. It was so sudden. He was barking for joy that dinner was being served. Then, he collapsed and died within 5 minutes. During those five minutes, we held him, sang to him, and told him that we loved him. We handled it as best we could, trying to make it peaceful and not scary for him. But, the trauma of the sudden loss has been hard for me to shake.

As I put together this post, I started to remember the day that I took the serious photo of R that is shown above. The memory of laughing with the Labraduo hit me. Then, I looked through my photo library to see the other photos from that day. Indeed, we had a blast. None of the photos are masterpieces but they made me smile again, remembering how much happiness this big-hearted dog brought to our lives.

Even when R was completely blind, he loved playing the game where he balanced a treat on his nose and launched it into the air. He never caught them anymore but he didn't care. You can see that Shyla has the proper form to snarf her treats out of the air while R's treats tumbled to the ground. After each one of these treat launches, I'd sprint in to find the treats on the ground for R and then handfeed them to him. Then, both dogs would bark wildly with happiness, and I'd burst out laughing at how silly we were.

We will miss you forever, Black Dog. The memory of that fun day almost a year ago has indeed made it a Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. so sweet and i can't see through my tears, i can't even imagine what you went through. it hurts my heart to read of it. you are right, bring on the sweet and funny memories, we enjoy them with you

  2. I so feel for you. Losing him so suddenly was such a shock, and yet you made it as peaceful for him as anyone could. That trauma will stay with you for a long time but you are doing the right thing in remembering the smiles too.

  3. We understand having lots 2 suddenly and it's tough, but the happy memories do help. Hugs from all of us.

  4. I lost my Emma that way - a peaceful early winter morning with all of my pack enjoying a lovely fire while I read turned to tragedy in an instant. So shocking and traumatic. But, as we know, there is NO good way to lose a beloved friend. You are doing all you can do by concentrating on the wonderful memories. How lucky you were to have your sweet, happy boy for so many years :)

  5. It takes a lot of time to heal with a dog that is so very special. Hugs♥

  6. Sweet and silly. That is how we remember R too. He sure was a wonderful pup. We're sorry to hear you have been having a bad time with the memory of his death. It sounds like you are suffering some PTSD from that incident. Our paws are crossed that those nightmares will pass soon but your wonderful memories of R will live on.

  7. The sharp pain of losing your dear Black Dog so suddenly will in time lessen, but the joy he brought you will live on for ever.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with the memory of R's passing, it was so obviously awful I suspect your mind is trying to work through it. Thankfully there are far more sweet memories to help you ease the pain somewhat. Take care and stay well.

  9. Hari OM
    yes, such pangs will come and go for a while... but will lengthen between their peaks and troughs. The joys will fill the spaces more readily... YAM xx

  10. They are our family, our companions, our friends and the loss is immeasurable. All of us here that follow dog blogs on a regular basis begin to feel like you are our family too and the loss is hard for us too. I am sorry you are going thru such a hard time (I can relate as I lost my gsd suddenly too and it still haunts me the way she went 5 years later) but you were there for him and that is what is the most important.

  11. Hold fast to those memories. They will help you to grieve this loss. I still think of Ellie every single day.

  12. I hope for you that soon you can mostly wipe out the memories of that tragic time and replace them with joyful memories like those with R and Shyla. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. KB..I surely understand how hard that beautiful day turned sad....no warning. You gave R a wonderful life..
    and he was happy up until those 5 minutes. My hope for you is that you have more happy images in your mind's eye of R.
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. It takes times to get through the grief of losing a cherished pet, and with the suddenness of R's passing, it must be even more difficult. Hopefully the happy memories of time with R will help guide you through the pain. Although my loss was not permanent, I felt much the same agony as you when Misty left us for a while and then made even more grief when I learned what had happened to her and the struggle to get her home. Hugs to you from me.

  15. As soon as I stop crying. I want to thank God and you for sharing your family with us.

  16. Tears here too. He was one of those dogs who just reached out and touched your heart. From a computer screen, no less. Not a film, not a video, just his personality and your wonderful telling of his life.

  17. I can't imagine what you went through with his life ending so suddenly in front of your eyes. I'm so sorry.


  18. He stayed with you, and loved life, for every second he could

  19. Bless your-all's hearts. Reading Black Dog Sundays is healing for me; I hope writing and choosing photos to share is helping you process the whole thing. Remember that in addition to R's sudden death, you've lived a chaotic last year, what with Hachi (bless his issue-laden heart), R's ailments always lurking at the back of your mind, the move (a huge though wonderful disrupter) - plus everything the rest of us have been coping with. No wonder you're having trouble sleeping. Thank goodness for Shyla [when she's not barking up a storm...:-)] and the Runner.

    Hugs from us too -
    Chris from Boise

  20. It sounds R exited just like my beloved Sam did. One minute he was fine, the next, he was gone. The suddenness still haunts me, eight months later. Always love those images of your guys snarfing treats out of the air (or not...as the case may be). Thanks for sharing those sweet memories.


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