Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Shyla Saturday

While the smoke went away for a little while this past week, Shyla and I played at a high point along the slopes of Labrador Valley. From that breezy vista, we can see the Continental Divide. The slope is grassy so it's perfect for Shyla to run.

This is where we go when we want a quick and beautiful evening hike. The bears like it near there too. One evening, we had a couple of friends and their dog over to visit. We hiked to this spot to gaze at the mountains as we chatted. All of a sudden, I noticed a chokecherry bush that was jerking back and forth like it was alive. I took a few steps to see it better, and there was a bear eating chokecherries, less than 30 yards from us. I pointed him out to everyone, and then we silently departed, not wanting to stress out the bear. His presence made us all smile.

Shyla almost always smiles when she's in the shadows of our mountains.

One meaning of Shyla's name is "daughter of the mountains".  She truly is a mountain dog.


  1. Shyla sure looks happy romping on her mountain. We love those snow capped mountains in the background.

  2. You picked the perfect name for her and that was something new that I did not know! Her face is so beautiful

  3. Shyla is such a beautiful mountain doggy!

  4. Shyla, wonderful smile.
    Don't take those bears so casually for me please.
    30 yards is just a hop skip and a jump for them.

  5. Beautiful photos of your beautiful girl. Again, I'd be less calm than you are if I were to find a bear nearby.

    Take care and stay well!

  6. You have the most perfect name and you sure do look happy, Shyla!

  7. KB what a beautiful post. I have often wondered about Shyla's name...how perfect. One can see in her eyes how happy she is being a 'daughter of the mountains'.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. She definitely lives up to her name! ♥

  9. What a perfect name for her. I always see her running through fields of flowers or fields of snow. It's wonderful to see a dog live a life with space all around, space to run, space to explore, space to play. My neighbor's dogs walk all over the land around here and are so in tune with nature and the natural order of things that she never worries about them. I'm not that good a dog owner, unfortunately, but mine are still living a better life than their city cousins.

  10. Shyla sure is in her element in those fields. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  11. I think it is wonderful that you are able to enjoy these wilderness areas so much, and very special that you can co-exist with wild creatures like that bear. Stay safe :) xx

  12. It's great you're able to have people over. What do you mean you can "see" the continental divide? What does it look like?


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