Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 18, 2020

Autumn is Arriving

Fall is starting here. The leaves are beginning to change. Today, I climbed up to higher elevations on my mountain bike, up close to the Continental Divide. The golden aspens lining a dirt road seemed to beckon me up higher and higher. It was still warm enough for summer riding clothes but the colors were amazing.

A few spots in Labrador Valley are starting to glow with autumn colors. I pulled out my tripod to try to capture the beauty of golden leaves along the creek. The air was still very smoky, which cast a reddish hue over everything.

Before too long, we will see that same scene with full autumn colors. I think that it will be glorious.

The pups love the start of autumn because it is cool enough for them to run their hearts out. They take frequent breaks in the creek, splashing from shore to shore. They know how to live!
Is it starting to look like fall where you live?


  1. That Longer Exposure OF The Creek, Top Shelf - BLK Dog Would Be So Proud Of You - Stoked You Rode The MTB Bike - Our Valley Is Log Jammed With Smoke - If It Was Wild Fire Smoke, Might Ride - But Its All The Microplastics Raining Down That Worries Me - Still On The Commuter Bike But No Real Effort For Sure - Wearing My Mask Totally Helps - Thinking Snow

    Stay Strong
    Big Hugs

  2. Your autumn colors are just beautiful! Love the photo with the creek!

  3. That picture of the creek deserves to be printed and framed, beautiful! Some of our trees here in North Dakota are starting to turn and the local news has started their annual report on where to go for the best viewings of fall colors.

  4. Hari OM
    already you are harnessing the essentials of your new territory - fantastic! YAM xx

  5. no fall here, but we don't get fall. i will have to do with enjoying yours. it looks like you found a slice of heaven..love that creek

  6. Such beautiful pictures of your new land. Those pups sure look happy to play there.

  7. I love those gorgeous colors and those happy pups! I recently found an old picture of me at the Continental Divide sign in some National park and had to smile at how sweet it was to be able to breathe at 12,000 plus feet. No way could I do that now.

  8. Oh my, I would love to see this in person. We don't get a lot of color here. To many palm trees.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. It's absolutely fall here. I am with the pups, I like the temperature at this time of year. It's warm enough I don't generally need a jacket except in the early, early morning, and cool enough that I don't need another shower when I get home.

    The photo of the creek is beyond stunning! I look forward to seeing more of your photos of autumn.

  10. Gorgeous photos KB
    Well the weather geeks are predicting a fallish weekend. Monday morning could be in the 40's .
    The dogwoods are just starting to have color in their leaves.
    Happy Weekend

  11. Saw a Flame Maple tree yesterday that was beginning to turn with about 6 or 8 branches of bright reddish orange. The site of it made my heart go pitter-patter. Now if the temperatures will dip a bit, life will be pretty darn wonderful.

  12. Yep, dogs know how to live when given the chance. A few small spots of red around here, but mostly brown leaves falling off trees from the heat.

  13. Oh, those are beautiful photos! I loves the creek one ~ it's ethereal! Fall? Here? BOL!!! Yeah, no. Maybe next month, or November! Butts, it has cooled some, so that is nice. I thinks i would rather be in your pawsome Labrador Valley!
    Ruby ♥

  14. The red, yellow and orange of the maples are just starting to show through around here. The beginning of fall is my favorite when there is still plenty of green.

    I wish I could be a dog! What a blast they dogs must have running through the creek!

  15. Autumn colours just starting to appear in Scotland too, but nowhere near as spectacular as yours!

  16. Beautiful photos!! Our weather is sure feeling it, but we're not seeing many colors yet. I hope the drought we are in doesn't affect the quality of the colors - autumn is my favorite season for that reason!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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