Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Twenty-four hours at Labrador Valley brings lots of excitement! At the end of a quiet hike last evening, we saw a bear on the trail between us and our house. He looked big and beautiful. Of course, Hachi got upset about him (understandable) and barked. The bear walked up the hillside above the creek and settled in to let us pass. So that he'd know that we meant no harm, I talked to him in a calm voice as we hiked on the trail below him. Here was his silhouette as he watched us.

As soon as we'd passed him, he returned to the trail that we'd been on, continuing on his path down the valley. We continued up the valley to our house. That felt like peaceful coexistence.

The next morning, the smoke was back. The sun rose dim and pink in the east.

It was cold because the sun was so obscured by the smoke but I sat on the deck for breakfast anyway. I was glad that I did because a big dude came through the meadow!

He heard my camera shutter and looked up toward the deck. I felt safe so far above him. Look at how different his left and right antlers are. Odd.


Then, he went up our driveway, past the old cabin, on his way to higher ground. We didn't see him again after that.

I am so thankful to live in a place where nature has been preserved by many caring people before us. It means that the bear, moose, American martens, hawks, owls, and many more animals have a peaceful place to live.


  1. I had the same thought... it is a wonderful gift to live there...

  2. Hari Om
    ohhh... you didn't tell us you'd moved to Heaven... YAM xx

  3. Fantastic - So Happy For You And Your Tribe - Thanx For The Vibes


  4. You have such a beautiful spot, KB.

  5. I like the little cabin, will you be using it for anything? his antlers look like they are on a different beast. so happy you are happy in your new valley, meadow, mountain hideaway

    1. The little cabin needs lots and lots of work before we can use it. We have big plans. First, we need to do work on the main house, and then we'd love to restore the cabin if we have the resources and patience when the main house is finished. It is a beautiful cabin, isn't it? In the meantime, I am considering trying to use the front room of it like a greenhouse, to see if I could grow some veggies/herbs all winter long.

    2. Looks like a great place to wildlife watch and just day dream , with all the windows. Also a great place to write. The cabin windows, I mean.
      Hachi was probably just startled.

  6. What a nice bear...to 'watch' and not react. He is for sure accustomed to being given the space he needs and very lucky that you and Runner are the new custodians of the beautiful Labrador Valley
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Love the bear story. Hubby has had a similar experience with a bear. They each respected the other.

    You live is a fabulous place. With all the fires across California, Oregon and Washington there have been so many of our precious wildlife that have perished. It breaks my heart.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. It's nice to see you are getting to meet your new neighbors. Our skies have been dimmed lately because of the smoke and it's kept our temps down too.

  9. That is a good bear experience.
    The moose almost looks like it has one elk and one moose antler.
    Sounds like you are enjoying your new home. So happy for you.

  10. So many wonderful sights in your neck of the woods, we enjoy seeing everything. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Now those look like the perfect neighbors!! What a beautiful new homestead!!

  12. Wow, how grreat that you were able to reach a peaceful accord with Mr. Bear!

  13. I find it incredibly wonderful that you can be so in-tune with the wildlife around you that you can all co-exist so peacefully together. We have no such large wild animals here, so I find it hard to comprehend what that would be like. Love seeing your photos though, so I can experience it second-hand (and very safely!).

  14. this post renews my faith in human nature. how wonderful for both to allow the other to pass..
    with respect and kindness. and then to be rewarded with an up close safe moose sighting!
    yes. a magical place for sure. xo

  15. Ditto to Margaret's words. What an amazing peaceful place, and a cabin as well as a home. A retreat for quilters, writers, nature lovers, or anyone who needs that peace and security that nature can give. I am sure you are all so enjoying beyond even your own expectations, the beauty and all else, with those wildlife animals thrown in for a HUGE bonus. I cannot imagine how it would be to have them down here . Magic.

  16. That bear knows good peeps and kind animals when he sees them:) What fun to enjoy the sight of that big guy while you enjoyed your breakfast. We hope your plans for the greenhouse work out.

  17. Incredible! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been calm knowing a bear was hanging out above me. And that moose is huge.

  18. wonder what makes a moose's antlers like that...

  19. How amazing that you get to watch the wildlife right from your deck too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. I am glad you are in control when you see these wild animals. We would never be so cool.

  21. Isn't it nice when there is a mutual agreement between friends? :)

  22. How fun to be able to see wildlife right there at your door, but having the bear between you and the house would be a bit scary, especially if Hatchi was barking, but you know how to handle that kind of thing from all your experience.


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