Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Mama moose and calf at quicksand-like wallow in daylight

The mama moose and her calf visited the wallow again by daylight. You'll see that the young calf had learned about the quicksand-like consistency of the wallow and was less upset about it this time. 

Mama moose was still sinking way into the mud but her calf was being really careful to avoid falling too far into it.

They are such a cute pair. Check out the video if you have time.


  1. They sure do have the longest noses and they are so much fun to watch! What a mucky mess to walk in!

  2. I think I'd stay away from that yucky mess too!

  3. They are such beautiful creatures, though they'd never win a beauty pageant. The calf is growing quickly.

  4. That Bob looks really dangerous for man or beast or a great big moose. That long ugly face is so beautiful I would love to kiss it and yes I know that I could not

  5. Mama moose was thirsty. How fun to catch up with this pair again.


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