Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 28, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a fabulous week. This dog is coming into his own.

We had visitors over a few times, and my jaw almost hit the ground upon seeing how relaxed Hachi was. One time, he fell asleep within about 10' of a stranger while on the deck. Another time, he was friendly toward a person who Hachi was very afraid of when he was younger. 

I think that a lot of play is a big part of it. He and Shyla get to play together every day now.

The Runner and I also have play sessions with Hachi. We have continued his "play therapy" which involves at least one play session with a human every day. When we first started staying at our new place, he wasn't interested in playing with us humans. The reason was undoubtedly that he was nervous in the new house. Now he wants to play which is wonderful.

Whatever the reasons for his blossoming, I am so overjoyed about Hachi. On several occasions this week, I exclaimed that he seemed like a normal dog. Imagine that! Wow.

Now is the time to remind myself that rehabilitating a dog like Hachi is a roller coaster ride. I'm sure that the ride will continue but, for now, I am so happy for him and about him.


  1. isn't that just great to see how things work... I'm so happy for youuuuuu!

  2. Hari OM
    The new dynamics clearly suit Hachi- and all of you! YAM xx

  3. Wonderful for both Hachi and you. He's come such a long way and even if he slips back a little, you know he'll continue to make progress.

    Take care and stay well.

  4. Playtime is good on so many levels. The joy of running and playing and afterwards the relaxation, the snoozing peacefully. I'm so glad that Hachi is coming along so well. He's in a beautiful place, he has a friend to play with, he has you and the Runner to love and take care of him.

  5. that first picture is hauntingly beautiful of him!
    I think dogs that were in severe trauma early in their lives don't even know how to play!
    the struggle for sheer survival takes up all their energy.
    like human children who have been deprived of their childhood in war or other bad times.
    thank heaven he found his way to your wonderfully loving and wise and patient little family. bless you! xoxo

  6. Play therapy is good for the soul. For pets and humans.

  7. Ohhh KB this makes me have a case of the smiles!!
    TLC is the best medicine
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Great news, what a wonderful life you're giving dear Hachi.

  9. Enjoy that ride up. And I'll bet the ride down doesn't go nearly as far as it used to.

  10. Woot! Scritches to all!

    Chris from Boise

  11. That's great news about Hachi. We're glad to hear he is settling in at the new house.

  12. You go Hachi. I think you are getting some dream visits from R

  13. This is such wonderful news and we hope that it continues. We are so happy for you, Hachi!

  14. It seems the move is a wonderful thing for you and for Hachi. Excellent. I'm glad he's thriving.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  15. How wonderful to hear how Hachi is coming into his own a bit more every week!!

  16. Let's hope the roller coaster keeps on upward bound and only takes a tiny dip down before riding high again. You have done so much for Hachi.

  17. That is wonderful for him, and for you. Take it one day at a time and enjoy those great days. There will be more and more of them.


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