Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla loves Labrador Valley. Her life is filled with happy frolicking with her little brother. I am so happy that Shyla is young enough to truly enjoy this place.

Despite that source of happiness, she's having trouble with anxiety that has ratcheted up since R died. She needs to be next to one of us humans whenever we're in the house with her. If we forget and walk away from her when she can't follow us, she bursts into inconsolable barking. We talked with her vet the other day, and we're going to try increasing her anti-anxiety medicine. Perhaps it will help her to adapt to R being gone with a bit less stress.

We always knew that the time after R's death would be very hard for Shyla. I'm glad that she's having so much fun with Hachi which partially offsets her stress. 

On an "interesting" note, it appears that Shyla is now the "leader" in our pack. Hachi is deferential to her, and he even let her have an elk leg to herself when they found it in the forest. We didn't really expect that Shyla would play this role - it doesn't fit her anxious personality. Who knows how long it will last? We don't. We simply observe and try to keep everyone safe.

Happy Queen Shyla Saturday!


  1. Huge hugs to you, Shyla♥ We know how hard it is to lose a treasured friend.

  2. Hari Om
    Everyone has to grieve in their own time... and heal equally so. I think that Hachi will help Shyla this way - he is doing the right thing by her - how wonderful you to observe all this (if a little worry involved...) YAM xx

  3. We knew this would be a difficult time for Shyla and will keep our paws crossed for her. With your guidance we know she will settle down soon.

  4. Poor Shyla, grief is a terrible thing. Hopefully the change in meds will allow her to relax a bit. In the meantime I'm glad she and Hachi are enjoying their new home.

    Take care and stay well!

  5. It makes me happy for all of you that you are also happy in your Labrador Valley!

  6. We are so glad that Shyla has Hachi to keep her happy and entertained.

  7. Happy Shyla Saturday my beautiful kind lady K9 friend. 2020 has thrown out too much anxiety...time to say bye bye to it
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We hope the increase in meds helps Shyla. She has had a lot of change with R passing and a new home. We know you are doing lots of things to make those changes easier on her. Lightning has always had anxiety issues too and loves to plant himself as close to my feet no matter where I am:)

  9. Poor Shyla. The change is hard on everyone. I hope she gets better. I am sure she will be a good ruler.

  10. It's very hard, Shyla. But I think it's good that you want to be with your people.


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